Autism Spectrum Disorder - ASD


To apply to the Waiver for Persons with Autism from the Department of Social Services (DSS) Division of Autism Spectrum Disorder Services, a person must have:

  1. A primary diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder;
  2. Residency in the State of Connecticut;
  3. Impairment prior to age 22;
  4. Impairment expected to continue indefinitely;
  5. Cognitive and adaptive functioning above the level of intellectual disability (i.e., IQ equal to or greater than 70); and
  6. Substantial functional limitations in two or more of the following areas of major life activity: a) self-care, b) understanding and use of language, c) learning, d) mobility, e) self-direction, f) capacity for independent living.

Please follow this link for the eligibility application.

Please follow this link for the eligibility application in Spanish.

Please follow this link for the HIPAA Acknowlegement Letter.
