Birth to Three


The Department of Social Services is the single State agency responsible for administering all Connecticut Medical Assistance Programs, including adherence to all Medicaid requirements. The Department is working in partnership with the Office of Early Childhood (OEC), to modernize and ensure the long-term sustainability of the Birth to Three program.



Dear Birth to Three Providers,

Thank you for sharing with us your concerns regarding starting the new fee-for-service payment system.

Based on consultation with the Office of Policy Management (OPM) and the Office of Early Childhood (OEC), the Department of Social Services (DSS) has further delayed the Birth to Three Implementation. Changes to the Birth to Three program will now be implemented on November 1, 2017.

We know this change has an impact on your organizations' logistical and business planning and will keep you apprised – with as much advanced notice as possible – of any further postponements of the start date.  Our teams and our billing contractors will continue working to answer remaining questions and will all work together to assure that you are prepared for the new system when it does begin. 

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to the families and children you support as part of the Birth to Three System.  


Commissioner David Wilkinson, Office of Early Childhood
Deputy Commissioner Kathleen Brennan, Department of Social Services
