CRF Grants


Coronavirus Relief Fund Payments

In accordance with Governor Lamont’s Executive Order No. 7EEE, Section 1, and Section 17b-11 of the Connecticut General Statutes, the Department of Social Services (DSS) will make Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) grant payments to specified categories of providers:

(1) are enrolled in good standing in the Connecticut Medical Assistance Program (CMAP) and

(2) meet all applicable requirements.

In brief:

  1. each eligible provider type will receive a grant amount for each eligible service that approximates the value of a specified percent increase in rates for a specified period;
  2. CRF grant funds may only be used for identified, permissible purposes;
  3. To draw down CRF grant funds, eligible providers must submit required documents as soon as possible, but no later than August 28, 2020.

To submit CRF grant documents please read the following information carefully:

  1. DSS’s Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) contractor DXC Technology will post a CRF Payment Form specific to each eligible provider type on the CMAP secure web portal. A copy of the CRF Payment Form is posted below for reference.
  2. Each eligible provider that wishes to apply for CRF payments must log into their CMAP secure Web portal account(s) at and then select the menu option for “CRF Payment” (on the far right side of the menu bar) to read and electronically sign the Notice of CRF Payment Standard Form. Please review the entire Notice of CRF Payment Standard Form carefully. 
  3. Providers that have multiple AVRS IDs will need to log in to each AVRS account to review and sign each of the Notice of CRF Payment Standard Forms.
  4. Each provider that will receive total CRF payment(s) of $25,000 or more (i.e., total CRF payments to all of the provider’s AVRS IDs) must also complete and submit a CRF Payment Cost Report to DSS as soon as possible and not later than August 28, 2020.  The completed cost report must be received before DSS will process CRF payments and must also document any PPP loan forgiveness received or expected to be received.  If actual or expected PPP loan forgiveness payments and CRF payments exceed applicable costs, CRF payments will be reduced or recouped to the full extent necessary to avoid duplicate payments for the same costs. Completed cost reports must be submitted to mailto:
  5. In addition, if revisions are necessary, providers may submit revised cost reports no later than September 30, 2020.

Please read each document carefully:

