Residential Care Homes (RCH)
The Department hosted a series of three mandatory in-person training sessions for all RCHs. Training sessions included important information on the CMS final settings rule which goes into effect on March 17, 2023.
01/17/2023 Presentation Governor’s Budget, CHOWs & Monthly census, Medication Administration
02/16/2023 Presentation Settings Rule, DMHAS Mental Health Waiver, DPH Licensing, Cost Reporting
03/14/2023 Presentation CMS Settings Rule Compliance, DDS Waiver Overview, HCBS Rule and Residency Agreements
Special Notice to Residential Care Homes:
In accordance with the provisions of Special Act 21-1, American Rescue Plan Act funding has been allocated to Residential Care Homes in the amount of $5,000,000 for “Capital Funding for Residential Care Homes Grandfathered under Outdated Codes”. Starting September 15, 2023 DSS will be accepting applications to support capital improvement projects at RCHs to assist them in meeting Public Health Code. A panel that includes representatives from DSS and DPH will review applications and jointly agree on the applications that will be eligible for the issuance of awards as well as the amounts of the awards. In the event that projects selected exceed the Fund amount of $5,000,000, DSS reserves the right to adjust award amounts and prorate the funding.
General Information
Residential Care Homes (RCH) rates are set in accordance with Section 17b-340 (h) CGS and Section 17-311-52 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies. The Department of Social Services (DSS) utilizes the long-term care cost reports (LTC) for privately operated RCH rate setting purposes. The annual rate period is July 1 through June 30, unless modified by the legislature. There are 98 RCH facilities with a total capacity of approximately 2,710 licensed beds that provide services to approximately 2,100 AABD eligible residents. The average rate is approximately $97.00 per day and rates range from a minimum of $35.54 to $44.14 per day. In SFY 2019, AABD program expenditures for RCH services were approximately $75 million. If a facility does not file a cost report, it receives the minimum rate per Sec. 17-311-54 state regulations, and may not receive a retroactive rate increases. Please read the notice for additional information.
Effective January 1, 2025, the rated housing disregard, used by the Department of Social Services (DSS) to calculate benefits for the State Supplement program, will increase from $418.70 to $442.70. Notice of Increase
Effective July 1, 2024, the rated housing personal needs allowance, used by the Department of Social Services when calculating benefits for the State Supplement program, will increase from $33.38 to $34.75. Notice of Increase
Effective July 1, 2024, the New Horizons personal needs allowance, used by the Department of Social Services when calculating benefits for the State Supplement program, will increase from $150.64 to $156.82. Notice of Increase
Residential Care Home Annual Rate Letters
Residential Care Homes (RCH) rates are set in accordance with Section 17b-340 (h) CGS and Section 17-311-52 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies. The Department of Social Services (DSS) utilizes the long-term care cost reports (LTC) for privately operated RCH rate setting purposes. You may find the annual rate letters issued to Residential Care Homes below.
Annual RCH Rate Letters Effective 7/1/2020 - 6/30/2021
Annual RCH Rate Letters Effective 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022
Annual RCH Rate Letters Effective 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023
Annual RCH Rate Letters Effective 7/1/2023 - 6/30/2024
Annual RCH Rate Letters Effective 7/1/2024 - 6/30/2025
Additional Information
State Agency Contacts and Resources for RCH residents and facility owners