Medicaid Nursing Home Reimbursement Modernization Acuity Based Methodology


February 1, 2024 - The Department hosted a webinar with our partners from UConn Center on Aging to provide an overview of the implementation of the CoreQ Nursing Home Satisfaction Survey in all Medicaid-certified nursing facilities. UConn Center on Aging will survey a sample of residents and family members from each nursing home, and the webinar discussed the goals and logistics of the implementation of the required statewide survey. 

February 1, 2024 Presentation
FAQ Document

September 6, 2023 - The Department hosted a webinar with representatives from Myers and Stauffer LLC regarding Nursing Home Quality Measures, Quality Program Reporting, and Quality Program Calculation. The Department has been working in collaboration with the industry since July 2022 in the development of a quality metric program pursuant PA 21-2 which required the collecting and reporting quality metrics and to phase in rate adjustments based on performance on quality metrics beginning July 1, 2022, with a period of reporting only. Beginning July 1, 2023, the Department will issue individualized reports to each nursing home facility showing a theoretical example of how the Medicaid rate would adjust based on a quality metrics program. Nursing homes can use the individualized quality metrics reports to evaluate the impact of the quality metrics program. By June 30, 2025, the Department will issue a final report, to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly showing the anticipated impact on nursing homes if the state were to implement a rate withhold on nursing homes that fail to meet certain quality metrics.

September 6, 2023 Presentation
FAQ Document
Quality Program Model Development - Scoring Calculations

April 27, 2023 the Department hosted a webinar regarding the Supportive Documentation Requirements (SDRs) for all Minimum Data Set (MDS) assessments. The Department has updated the MDS Review process and the webinar discussed the changes and address any questions. Please review the training and documents below.

SDR Webinar Training Presentation

Enhanced Review Process

February 23, 2023 - DSS Letter to Industry Nursing Home Quality Program Withhold

Reimbursement Modernization Stakeholder Webinar April 14, 2022   Representatives from Myers and Stauffer LLC presented an update on acuity implementation. Download the presentation and case mix model discussed during the webinar below.  April 14, 2022 Slide Presentation

Case Mix Rate Model (Excel)

Frequently Asked Questions (May 2022)

September 29, 2021 - Case Mix Phase-In

Stakeholder Presentation on Case Mix Three-Year Phase-In

Summary Phase-in Spreadsheet by Nursing Home

Please note, the spreadsheet is for demonstration purposes only, and will not be utilized for Medicaid payment/claim adjudication purposes. It is designed to show the potential provider impact from the transition to a case mix (acuity-based) reimbursement system. Facility rate and fiscal impact information is subject to change from subsequent audit/review findings, CMI updates, additional legislative changes, and/or further system modification. Rate and underlying cost information was established utilizing best data available as of 10/1/2021. Issued rates are as of 10/1/2021. Future rate/wage add-on increases have not been incorporated at this time. Nursing homes may send questions to the Department directly, or to their Myers & Stauffer representative, or through the associations. Questions will be collected and an FAQ document will be published. Please submit questions by October 15, 2021. Questions to the Department can be sent to:

Each nursing home has received a rate sheet via their Myers & Stauffer portal account. The rate sheet will feature "shadow rates" and the calculation used to develop the shadow rate. The rate sheet will be published quarterly so each nursing home can understand the quarterly movement of the acuity system. As a reminder, shadow rates are not what the home will receive for reimbursement. The shadow rate is to assist homes in understanding the quarterly movement of an acuity system and to assist homes in preparation for the transition to acuity reimbursement.

July 2021
Beginning October 1, 2021, and quarterly thereafter, DSS will notify homes of the expected home-by-home impact of the transition to an acuity based reimbursement. The home-by-home impact will be for informational purposes only and will not replace the rate in effect for 7/1/2021. Rate adjustments associated with acuity and associated quality metrics will be in effect starting rate period July 1, 2022.

The Department will hold town-hall meetings and informational sessions closer to October 2021. Please keep checking this webpage for meeting notices and for additional information. Meeting information will also be messaged through Myers and Stauffer LLC so nursing homes are encouraged to check their Myers and Stauffer account portals as well as this webpage. 

March 19, 2021 - Representatives from Myers and Stauffer LLC presented a webinar on the Case Mix System. Download the presentation.

September 30, 2020 - In late August, the Department shared with both nursing home associations that Connecticut will move forward with the CMS identified option to begin requiring and collecting additional fields for the Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 item sets (version 1.17.2), with the purpose of categorizing OBRA MDS assessment submissions within the Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) resident classification system.

Effective October 1, 2020, this change will allow Connecticut to collect PDPM payment codes and compare them to the RUG IV classification system. Additional MDS item set fields located in Sections GG, I, and J will support the PDPM payment codes. The Department is aware that certain software vendors have made updates to accommodate this change. We are also notifying all MDS software vendors used by Connecticut nursing facilities of which the Department is aware.

This is a necessary component of DSS' planned transition to a Medicaid acuity based payment system (case mix) in Connecticut, implementation of which has been delayed and no decision or date has been determined for the implementation of acuity based payment. We will notify facilities once information is available.

Collection of additional fields for the Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 It will also help in evaluating  PDPM classification and its viability as an alternative to the RUG IV system as the basis for case mix reimbursement. DPH plans will send additional information regarding PDPM on OBRA assessments beginning October 1, 2020 with a notation regarding training for the month of October. To help prepare nursing homes, please download the summary slide deck from Myers and Stauffer, LLC with useful information and background. Additional information is available at the CMS website.

February 6, 2020 - Committees of Cognizance Nursing Home Forum: Modernization of Connecticut Medicaid Nursing Facility Reimbursement: An Essential Component of Long-Term Services and Supports "Rebalancing" Download the presentation

January 31, 2020 - Myers & Stauffer provided a an update on resident roster report processing. Download the presentation.

January 10, 2020 - Myers & Stauffer provided a brief overview of acuity based reimbursement methodology to the Medical Assistance Program Oversight Council (MAPOC). Download the presentation

December 2019 - Resident rosters training took place to give providers the tools needed to access the web portal. Please visit the Provider Resource section for user guides and additional information.

November 22, 2019 - The Department hosted a webinar presentation on the components of the Case Mix Index (CMI). The CMI is a weight assigned to a specific Resource Utilization Group (RUG) which reflects the diversity, clinical complexity, and resource needs of all residents within a nursing facility. Download the CMI presentation

October 4, 2019 - Accurate Minimum Data Set (MDS) assessment data is essential in implementing a case mix reimbursement system. Access to and use of MDS data is controlled by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) through data use agreements. Myers and Stauffer obtained permission through such an agreement to use the data to assist the State in the development, implementation and on-going operation of the reimbursement system.

To facilitate this process, Case Mix Index (CMI) reports will be posted to a secure MDS web portal hosted by Myers and Stauffer. To ensure access to CMI Reports, nursing facilities are asked to please complete the form below and return to Myers and Stauffers no later than October 18, 2019. Additional information is available in the provider announcement below.

Web Portal Provider Announcement
Portal User Registration Form

September 3, 2019 - On Tuesday, September 3, 2019 the Department hosted a public meeting to discuss plans for implementation of a Case Mix Reimbursement System.

View the presentation
Frequently Asked Questions (revision issued November 12, 2019)

August 28, 2018 - The Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) contracted with Myers and Stauffer LLC (MSLC) for consulting services to assist in transitioning Connecticut's Medicaid nursing facility reimbursement system from a cost-based methodology to a prospective acuity-based or case mix, payment system. MSLC will assist DSS with the design, development, implementation, and ongoing operational activities relating to a case mix reimbursement system.
