Certificate of Need (CON)
Nursing Home Bed Reduction
The Department of Social Services (DSS) is responsible for the Certificate of Need (CON) process for nursing homes. A Nursing Home, or Applicant, may request a decrease in total bed capacity by submitting a letter of Intent for a Certificate of Need (CON) to the Commissioner of the Department of Social Services by email: con-ratesetting.dss@ct.gov or by mail (address below). Connecticut general statutes (17b-352 through 17b-354) govern the CON process.
The CON process begins with an Applicant's submission of a letter of intent requesting a reduction in licensed beds. DSS will review the request to determine if a CON application is required. If an application is required, the Department will send an application within 10 business days after receiving the Letter of Intent and the Applicant has up to 180 days to submit the CON application. DSS will review the CON application in accordance with statutory provisions and issue a written decision generally within 120 days after receiving a complete application.
If a CON is approved, the licensure change will be effective upon completion of the licensure filings with the Department of Public Health. DSS does not approve retroactive reductions to licensed beds. The Department of Public Health is unable to issue a change to the number of licensed beds at a nursing home without CON approval from DSS.
An approved CON does not impact a nursing home’s previous or current Medicaid rate or rate calculation. An approved CON will not result in a rate adjustment. For further information regarding Medicaid rates please refer to Public Act 19-117 and to Medicaid nursing home rate increases.
Mailing Address:
Department of Social Services
Reimbursement & Certificate of Need
55 Farmington Avenue - 9th Floor
Hartford, CT 06105