Health Care Services

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  • Autism Spectrum Disorder - ASD

    The Department of Social Services Waiver for Persons with Autism provides home-and community-based services to individuals with autism who do not have an intellectual disability (a full IQ score of 70 or higher).

  • Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics

    In August 2015 the State of Connecticut, specifically the Departments of Social Services, Mental Health and Addiction Services, and Children and Families, submitted an application for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) funding opportunity 16-001, Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics Planning Grant.

  • CHOICES is CT's State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) for Medicare Beneficiaries.

    CHOICES Is administered by the State of Connecticut Department on Aging, in partnership with the Area Agencies on Aging and the Center for Medicare Advocacy, Inc. Our mission is to ­empower, educate, and assist Medicare-eligible individuals, their families, and caregivers through objective outreach, counseling, and training to make informed health insurance decisions that optimize access to care and benefits.

  • Connecticut AIDS Drug Assistance Program (CADAP)

    CADAP is a service that helps eligible Connecticut residents with HIV or AIDS afford the cost of medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

  • Connecticut Home Care Program For Elders

    The Connecticut Home Care Program for Elders helps individuals to stay at home instead of going to a nursing home. Many people in nursing homes might have been able to stay in their homes if they had assistance with personal care, cooking and cleaning

  • Connecticut Integrated Care for Kids

    The InCK Model will assist states and local communities in addressing priority health concerns for children.

  • ConnTrans

    Connecticut Organ Transplant Program help residents pay for medical and ancillary expenses associated with an organ transplant.

  • Disability Services

    The Department administers programs which promote social, physical and economic well-being while providing people with disabilities with opportunities to achieve their full potential for self-direction. The Department works closely with an advisory council comprised primarily of people with disabilities which makes recommendations to improve the planning, development and administration of programs.

  • Durable Medical Equipment

    The Department of Social Services Durable Medical Equipment program provides equipment to help you move around: canes, crutches, walkers and wheelchairs. DME also includes equipment needed to care for you at home: bed pans, heat lamps or pads, hospital beds, special toilet seats and machines that help make breathing easier. *Service available to Medicaid recipients only

  • Electronic Visit Verification

    The Department of Social Services is proud to announce a unique partnership with Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Sandata Technologies, LLC. in the implementation of Electronic Visit Verification (EVV).

  • Healthy Start

    Under this program, eligible pregnant women can receive case management and assistance with obtaining Medicaid/HUSKY coverage for themselves and their children. Information: dial 2-1-1, toll-free or visit

  • HUSKY (Medicaid) Coverage for Breast and Cervical Cancer

    Medicaid Coverage for Breast and Cervical Cancer aims to support the health of women receiving breast and cervical cancer screenings and services by providing full Medicaid coverage for them. This program works in conjunction with the Department of Public Health’s Connecticut Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.

  • HUSKY Health (Medicaid & Children’s Health Insurance Program)

    HUSKY Health is the State of Connecticut’s public health coverage program for eligible children, parents, relative caregivers, elders, individuals with disabilities, adults without children, and pregnant women. Eligibility criteria vary. HUSKY Health encompasses: HUSKY A (Medicaid for children/parents/relative caregivers/pregnant women); HUSKY B (non-Medicaid Children’s Health Insurance Program); HUSKY C (Medicaid for the Aged/Blind/Disabled, also known as Title 19 and including Long-Term Care services); and HUSKY D (Medicaid for Low-Income Adults).

  • Med-Connect (Medicaid for Employees with Disabilities)

    Medicaid for Employees with Disabilities, also known as MED-Connect, provides medical assistance to employed individuals with disabilities. Enrollees can earn up to $75,000 per year and qualify for full Medicaid/HUSKY Health coverage.

  • Medicare Savings Program

    The State of Connecticut offers financial assistance to eligible Medicare enrollees through our 'Medicare Savings Programs.' These programs may help pay Medicare Part B premiums, deductibles and co-insurance.
