Child Support
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A Brief Guide to Child Support Services in Connecticut (Pub. #98-6 - English)
The Connecticut Bureau of Child Support Enforcement (BCSE) and Support Enforcement Services (SES) work together, with legal assistance from the office of the Attorney General, to provide child support services to families:
Sure, there are paternity laws. But no one can prove I’m the father, right?
Connecticut Employers' Child Support Guide to Income Withholding and New Hire Reporting (86KB)
Federal and state government continue to recognize the impor-tance of both parents doing their share to support their children. With this recognition the need for new laws to strengthen and enhance child support were required. The Department of Social Services (DSS) continues to work to keep pace with these new laws and implement new methods.
Este folleto está destinado a las madres que no están casadas legalmente con el padre de su hijo. También se dispone de otro folleto escrito para los padres.
Este folleto está destinado a los padres que no están casados legalmente con la madre de su hijo. También se dispone de otro folleto escrito para las madres.
This booklet has been written for fathers who are not legally married to the mother of thier baby. There is also a booklet like this one written for mothers.
This booklet has been written for mothers who are not legally married to the father of their baby. There is also a booklet like this one written for fathers.
Claro que hay leyes sobre paternidad. Pero nadie puede probar que soy el padre, ¿no es cierto?
Una breve guía a los Servicios de Pensión para ninos(as) Alimenticia en Connecticut