EHR-EL7 Technical Specifications
Follow the links below to download the specification guides you need.
- Web Services: The Transport Layer Protocol Recommendation Formal Specification provides guidance on connectivity and transport. CT WiZ only accepts submission through SOAP Web Services using the CDC WSDL.
- Delta (Local) HL7 Guide: The CT WiZ Immunization Information System HL7 2.5.1 Release 1.5 Local Delta Implementation Guide lists only the areas where CT WiZ deviates from or elaborates on the information contained in the national implementation guidance.
- HL7 National Guide: The National HL7 2.5.1 Immunization Messaging Release 1.5 defines what fields and segments the Immunization Information System will and will not accept in an HL7 message.
- Query and Response (Q&R) specs: The CT WiZ QPB Technical Specifications provide guidance on how to establish a bi-directional query and response interface with CT WiZ using QBP and RSP.