Online Invitation Form for Lt. Governor Bysiewicz

This online form has been designed to provide you with a convenient way to invite Lt. Governor Bysiewicz to an event. We ask for your patience as we cannot make commitments more than 30 days in advance of an event.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields

Address Information:

Start typing and you can select a city from the dropdown.

Event Information:

Choose a date (mm/dd/yyyy) at least 4 weeks from request date and no more than 90 days from a request date.

Choose a time (HH:MM AM/PM)

Choose a time (HH:MM AM/PM)

Will there be additional speakers?* Please let us know if there are additional speakers

Start typing and you can select a city from the dropdown.

About the Audience (250 characters max): *
Is the Event open to the press?* Please indicate if this event is open to the press.

Files must be in PDF, Microsoft Excel (.xls or .xlsx) or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format.

Please note: Electronic mail submitted through this web-site may be considered 'Public records or files' as those terms are defined in the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, (the 'Act'). By operation of the Act, public records and files may be the subject to disclosure to persons other than the addressee. The marking of an electronic mail message submitted through this web site as 'personal' or 'confidential' may not prevent disclosure of certain public records governed by the Act.