GAL / AMC Training Registration
The Judicial Branch Standing Committee on Guardians Ad Litem and Attorneys for the Minor Child in Family Matters is pleased to announce that they will sponsor a GAL/AMC Training this summer.  The training will consist of three full days of training on June 13, 14, 15, 2018.  Only those individuals who complete this comprehensive preservice training required by Connecticut Practice Book Section 25-62 are eligible to be a GAL or AMC in Family Matters.  The GAL/AMC Training is restricted to individuals who meet the eligibility requirements.
Eligibility Requirements
Persons eligible to serve as a guardian ad litem or attorney for the minor child:
1.  Are either an attorney in good standing, licensed to practice law in the State of Connecticut by the Judicial Branch, or are a mental health professional licensed by the Connecticut Department of Public Health and in good standing in the areas of clinical social work, marriage and family therapy, professional counseling, psychology or psychiatry;
2.  Do not have a criminal record;
3.  Do not appear on the Department of Children and Families’ central registry of child abuse and neglect; and
4.  Meet all eligibility criteria in Connecticut Practice Book Sec. 25-62.
Registration Instructions
Click registration link
Registration will accept up to 50 registrants on a first come first serve basis.  Attendees who complete the full 20 hours of training will be issued a Certificate of Completion. There are no provisions to make-up any missed portions of this training.
Note:  The Registration Application cannot be submitted from a State of Connecticut computer.