2019 Legislative Testimony

Bill #


File Size
AAC Combatting Sexual Assault and Harassment
  25 AAC Restoring Electoral Privileges to Felon Convicts on Parole 169kb
 344 AAC Supporting Diversity in the Selection of a Jury Panel 311kb
 504 AAC Suspension of Delinquency Proceedings for Treatment  302kb
 653 AAC Open File Disclosure in Criminal Cases
 691 AAC Erasure of Criminal Records  146kb
 792 AAC Creating an Advisory Committee to Study Discrimination  99kb
AAC Minor Revisions to Special Parole and Parole Discharge Statues
 842 AAC Motor Vehicle Offenses (Testimony of Christine Perra Rapillo, Chief Public Defender) 237kb
 870 AAC Use of Drones by Law Enforcement 125kb
880 AAC Fairness and Transparency in the Criminal Justice System 184kb
 913 AAC Extension of Statute of Limitation for Prosecution of Sexual Assault  
 948 AAC Sentencing commission and Misdemeanor Sentences 145kb
 964 AAC Court Operations
 992 AAC The Trust Act 131kb
 996 AAC Revisions to Statutes Concerning the Criminal Justice System  160kb
 1008 AAC Disparities in Pretrial and Sentencing Outcomes  74kb
1055 AAC Task Force to Study the Juror Selection Process 440kb
1056 AAC Allotment Reductions for DPDS and Diversionary Programs   88kb
 1085 AAC Cannabis - Testimony of Chief Public Defender  164kb
 1086 AAC Repeat Driving Under the Influence Offenders 1,544kb
1098 AAC Testimony of Jailhouse Witness 285kb
1099 AAC Discrimination Based on a Person's Criminal Record 144kb
 1109 AAC Solitary Confinement 197kb
 1113 AAC Recommendations of the Connecticut Sentencing Commission  238kb
 5363 AAC an On-Line Registry for Convicted Murderers  110kb
AAC Suspension of Delinquency Proceedings for Fire Starting Behavior
AAC Prohibiting BOE from Disclosing Student Records

AAC the Restoration of Terminated Parental Rights

AAC Social Workers
 7222 AAC Concerning Duties of AG Office 191kb
7292 AAC Social Worker Title Protection 365kb
7332 AAC Public Safety and Welfare of Repeat Juvenile Offenders 405kb
 7342 AAC Mandatory Minimum Sentence for Injury or Risk of Injury of a Child 196kb
 7381 AAC Police Pursuits of Juvenile of Stolen Motor Vehicles 302kb
7387 AAC Discretionary Transfer of Juveniles to Regular Criminal Docket 302kb
7389 AAC Confidentiality in Case of Discretionary Transfer of Juvenile 302kb
 7399 AAC Legal Protections for Victims of Human Trafficking  207kb

(1,000kb = 1mb)