Physician Practice Workgroup

Physician Practice Workgroup

Public Act No. 21-129 is an act concerning hospital billing and collection efforts by hospitals and collection agencies that was approved and signed into law in July 2021. The Public Act requires the Office of Health Strategy (“OHS”) to study physician practices within Connecticut (CT). The executive director of OHS is to report on the outcome of the study and provide recommendations for legislative action, as a result of the study, to the General Assembly not later than February 1, 2023.

This work group will study methods to improve oversight and regulation of mergers and acquisitions of physician practices to improve health care quality and choice in Connecticut. In addition, this workgroup will study methods to ensure the viability of physician practices. Lastly, the workgroup will develop legislative recommendations to improve reporting and oversight of physician practice mergers and acquisitions, including possible amendments to CT general statutes. It’s expected that the workgroup will begin in late 2021 and meet on a monthly basis throughout most of 2022 to draft recommendations for the OHS executive director to submit to the General Assembly. 

Physician Group Practice Workgroup_January 2023
