Health Information Exchange Regulations Advisory Subcommittee


OHS is the designated state agency with administrative oversight for the State-wide Health Information Exchange (HIE), per Conn. Gen. Statute §17b-59e.  OHS established and launched a "neutral and trusted" non-profit, nongovernmental entity, Health Information Alliance, Inc. operating under the brand name "Connie" to manage the technical development, implementation, and operations of the State-wide HIE. Connie commenced operations on May 3, 2021. 

C.G.S. §17b-59d(g) and C.G.S. §17b-59e(d) authorize the executive director of OHS to adopt regulations necessary to implement the provisions of C.G.S. §17b-59d (State-wide Health Information Exchange) and C.G.S. §17b-59e (Electronic health record systems. Connection to State-wide Health Information Exchange). The executive director shall implement policies and procedures until such time as regulations become effective. OHS has formalized a HIE Regulations Advisory Subcommittee to support the development of policies, procedures, and regulations.   

Establishment of HIE Regulations Advisory Subcommittee

In accordance with its charter, the Health Information Technology Advisory Council (HITAC) approved the establishment of a HITAC HIE Regulations Advisory Subcommittee to provide recommendations and feedback to the OHS executive director and the Health Information Technology Officer regarding administrative rules, policies, contractual terms and conditions, and other components of a regulatory framework pertaining to the HIE. 

The HIE Regulations Advisory Subcommittee charter can be viewed here

The meeting schedule can be viewed here. Please contact if you wish to be added to the distribution list or with any questions. 

