Cost Growth Benchmark Stakeholder Advisory Board

Cost Growth Benchmark Stakeholder Advisory Board Overview

The Stakeholder Advisory Board is no longer active. 

The Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB) members represent a cross section of the healthcare landscape, consumers, providers, employers, and health plan carriers, who will provide input and feedback to the Technical Team. The SAB’s mission is to advise OHS, the Technical Team (CGBTT), and consulting experts on the creation of the annual healthcare cost growth and quality benchmarks, and primary care spending targets.

The SAB will obtain additional input and feedback from other entities for the development of:

  1. Annual cost growth benchmark across all payers and populations for CYs 2021-2025, ensuring the cost growth benchmark does not result in unintended consequences or exacerbate existing health inequities.
  2. Primary care spending targets across all payers and populations as a share of total health care expenditures for CYs 2021-2025 to reach the target of 10% by 2025.
  3. A strategy to use the state’s All Payer Claims Database (APCD) to analyze cost, and cost trends and growth drivers.
  4. Annual quality benchmarks effective for CY22, and analysis of the impact of cost growth benchmarks and primary care targets on quality and equity.

