Primary Care Subgroup


Lesley Bennett
Consumer Representative

Rowena Bergmans
Nuvance Health

Seth Clohosey

Stephanie de Abreu
United Healthcare

Mario Garcia
CT Dept of Public Health

Heather Gates
Community Health Resources

Alex Geertsma
CT Chap. American Academy of Pediatrics

Shirley Girouard
Consumer Representative

April Greene

Karen Hlavac
Council on Developmental Services

Lisa Honigfeld
Consumer Representative

Ken Lalime

Leslie Miller
Leslie Miller PC

Naomi Nomizu
Hartford Healthcare

Brad Richards
CT Department of Social Services

Theresa Riordan

Dashni Sathasivam
Health Equity Solutions

Marie Smith
UConn School of Pharmacy

Elsa Stone
CT Chap. American Academy of Pediatrics

Randy Trowbridge
Team Rehab

Lisa Trumble
SOHO Health

Michele Wolfsberg / Renee Altman Nefussy
Tufts Health Plan

Tom Woodruff
Office of the State Comptroller
