Statewide Health Care Facilities and Services Plan> Certificate of Need> Facility Fees> Facilities Plan and Inventory> Hospital Financial Data> Notices and Filings> Prescription Drug Reporting, Hosp Financial, CON, FOI Portals> Search Office of Health Strategy Search the current Agency with a Keyword Filtered Topic Search SEARCH Order By Order By Alpha Date Created Statewide Health Care Facilities and Services Plan Page 1 of 1 Statewide Health Care Facilities and Services Plan Stakeholder Advisory Groups Annual Hospital and Health System Financial Status and Facility Fees Trend Report OHS released a report on hospital and health systems financial data today. Hospital Reporting Hospitals are required to report financial info, use data, charity care, and more. Our hospital reporting portal has info for every hospital & health system in CT. Healthcare in CT How many emergency room visits are there in CT? What preventable conditions cause the most hospital stays? We have answers & lots of data.
Annual Hospital and Health System Financial Status and Facility Fees Trend Report OHS released a report on hospital and health systems financial data today.
Hospital Reporting Hospitals are required to report financial info, use data, charity care, and more. Our hospital reporting portal has info for every hospital & health system in CT.
Healthcare in CT How many emergency room visits are there in CT? What preventable conditions cause the most hospital stays? We have answers & lots of data.