Population Health Council


Work Group Charter
HEC Initiative Framework
HEC Initiative Framework Technical Report
HEC Response to Public Comments

HEC - Informational Session 1
HEC - Local Health Department Webinar
New England Asthma Innovation Collaborative

Health Enhancement Community Charrette

Held July 2019
HEC Charrette Agenda

HEC Charrette Presentation

HEC Charrette Design Exercise Meeting Summary


HEC Design Team Webinars

Population Health Council Design Team 1

Two webinars were held with members of the PHC to solicit feedback on HEC Interventions, Measures, Data & Workforce. Held July 2018.

Webinar 1: Interventions, Measures, Data, & Workforce Design Team webinar #1 Slides

Webinar 2: Interventions, Measures, Data, & Workforce Design Team webinar #2 Slides


Population Health Council Design Team 2

Two webinars were held with members of the PHC to solicit feedback on HEC Financing. Held July 2018.

Webinar 1:  HEC Financing Design Team webinar #1 Slides

Webinar 2:  HEC Financing Design Team webinar #2 Slides


Population Health Council Design Team 3

Two webinars were held with members of the PHC to solicit feedback on HEC Governance / Decision-Making. Held July & August 2018.

Webinar 1:  HEC Governance Design Team webinar #1 Slides

Webinar 2:  HEC Governance Design Team webinar #2 Slides

Reference Community Webinars

CT Reference Communities Webinar

Introduction to CT Health Enhancement Communities

This initial webinar was provided to Reference Communities in order to learn more about the initiative, the timeline and commitments, and how Reference Communities will be supported in this effort. Held May 2018.  
Reference Community Informational Presentation


Potential Menu of HEC Interventions

In the session, participants were provided a set of potential HEC interventions which were subsequently discussed in the first Deep Dive planning session. Held May 2018. 
Reference Community Menu of HEC Interventions Presentation


Examples of HEC-like Models

Health Management Associates (HMA) provided a high-level comparison of models from across the country of community-based, collaborative initiatives. HMA provided concrete examples of what has worked and barriers that community groups have faced in implementing their efforts. Held June 2018. 

Reference Community HEC Like Models Presentation


HEC Measurement, Data, and IT Webinar

Building on the work done to date, this webinar focused on potential HEC measures and the IT infrastructure needed to support HEC function. Held August 2018. 

Reference Community Measures, Data, and IT Presentation


HEC Financing Webinar

This webinar focused on the HEC financial model and discusses the current approach to funding the HECs. Held September 2018. 

Reference Community HEC Financing Presentation
