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students and school discipline

right response CT


School personnel learn
new approaches to discipline

Ansonia sentences
kids to … gym time?

Bridgeport cops, kids stop
giving each other a bad rap

Old Lyme cop club
helps kids shine

right response CT

CT just start—unequal treatment of youth

school police collaboration

school police training

using youth behavior data

understanding disciplinary data

CT juvenile justice

CT funding opportunities


Right Response CT is an initiative of the Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee (JJAC) created to address the problem of arrests in schools and the need to encourage and support schools and police in diverting students from the juvenile justice system without sacrificing school safety.

The first product of the Right Response CT initiative is a model Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Superintendent of Schools and the Chief of Police as a starting point for local communities to collaborate and ensure a consistent application of sanctions for school misbehavior.

The second is Effective School Staff Interactions with Students and Police, a one-day training, which teaches strategies for interacting with distressed students, clarifies the role of law enforcement in schools and how the juvenile justice system works, explains disproportionate minority contact (DMC), and details steps for implementing the MOA.

The third component is the Right Response CT Network, an association of local collaborative teams composed of school, police and community members that agree to work together and with other teams and the JJAC to develop and/or modify guidelines for handling disruptive behavior in school and plan for preventive or intervention strategies.

Looking for more information after attending our training?

Want to learn about our training for school staff?

Do you know about our model school police agreement on handling student misbehavior?

Searching for information on Connecticut’s juvenile justice system?