Additional Certification Actions


Update your profile and contact information, including name changes, email and address
Step 1

Log into your CECS account.

Step 2

Access your file profile to update your contact information and name changes.

Step 3

Click the update button before leaving the page.

Please note: When entering any information which includes numbers (phone, zip code) , please type the new number OVER the previous number, without adding dashes. The system will format for you. If you make a mistake, retype the entire number; the system will not allow you to backspace or delete.

Request a duplicate certificate
Step 1

Log into your CECS account.

Step 2

Access your certificates page or home page to view your certificate.

Step 3

Select the link “choose” to the right of the certificate you would like duplicated.

Step 4

Select “Request A Duplicate Certificate/Permit” ($50) and click continue.

Step 5

Complete the required information, add your electronic signature, click “Submit Application” and pay the remaining balance.

Please note: Only active certificates can be duplicated. Please allow 3-4 weeks for your certificate to arrive in the mail.