Crediting Foods in CACFP Adult Day Care Centers


The crediting guidance below applies to the CACFP adult meal patterns for adult day care centers.

General Crediting Guidance  |   Crediting Foods Prepared on Site
Crediting Commercial Processed Products  |   Meal Pattern Components
Crediting Worksheets

General Crediting Guidance for CACFP Adult Day Care Centers

Crediting Commercial Processed Products in CACFP Adult Day Care Centers

CACFP adult day care centers must obtain appropriate documentation to indicate that commercial products credit toward the CACFP adult meal patterns. For example, to credit a commercial breaded chicken patty as 2 ounces of the meat/meat alternates component, the manufacturer’s documentation must indicate that one serving of the product contains 2 ounces of cooked chicken. Allowable documentation includes:

  • the original Child Nutrition (CN) label from the product carton or a photocopy or photograph of the CN label shown attached to the original product carton; or
  • a product formulation statement (PFS) signed by an official of the manufacturer stating the amount of each meal pattern component contained in one serving of the product. 

These are the only acceptable records for documenting a commercial product’s contribution to the CACFP meal patterns. Without this documentation, adult day care centers cannot credit commercial products toward the CACFP meal patterns.

Crediting Foods Prepared on Site in CACFP Adult Day Care Centers

To credit foods prepared on site toward the CACFP adult meal patterns, adult day care centers must maintain standardized recipes that document the crediting information per serving. For example, to credit macaroni and cheese as 2 ounces of the meat/meat alternates component and two servings of the grains component, the adult day care center’s recipe must indicate that each serving contains 2 ounces of cheese and 1 cup of whole grain-rich or enriched pasta. 

Meal Pattern Components
for CACFP Adult Day Care Centers

Milk  |   Meat/Meat Alternates  |   Vegetables  |   Fruits  |   Grains

Milk Component for CACFP Adult Day Care Centers

Milk must be pasteurized, meet all state and local requirements, and contain vitamins A and D at levels specified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The CACFP adult meal patterns allow unflavored low-fat (1%) milk, unflavored fat-free milk, and flavored fat-free milk. The CACFP Best Practices recommend serving only unflavored milk.

Note: In 2018, the USDA issued the final rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Flexibilities for Milk, Whole Grains, and Sodium Requirements (83 FR 63775), which allowed flavored low-fat milk in the CACFP adult meal patterns. On August 21, 2020, the USDA released information about a decision in April 2020 by the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland that cancels this final rule. As a result, flavored milk must be fat-free during school year 2020-21. For more information, review question 7 in USDA Memo SP 24-2020, CACFP 13-2020 and SFSP 13-2020: Questions and Answers for the Child Nutrition Programs during School Year 2020-21 – #5.

Adult day care centers may substitute yogurt for the milk component at one meal per day. Six ounces (weight) or ¾ cup (volume) of yogurt credits as 8 fluid ounces of milk. Yogurt cannot credit as the milk component and the meat/meat alternates component during the same meal. However, yogurt may be served in place of fluid milk at one meal, and as the meat/meat alternates component in another meal on the same day. The yogurt limit applies to the served meals, not what the participant selects or consumes. All yogurt substituted for milk must meet the sugar limit (no more than 3.83 grams of sugars per ounce).

Meat/Meat Alternates Component for CACFP Adult Day Care Centers

The required servings for the meat/meat alternates component refer to the edible portion of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish, e.g., cooked lean meat without bone, breading, binders, fillers, or other ingredients. Different types of meat and meat alternates require different amounts to credit as 1 ounce of the meat/meat alternates component. A 1-ounce serving of the meat/meat alternates component equals 1 ounce of lean meat, poultry, or fish (without binders, fillers, extenders, and liquids); 1 ounce of cheese (low-fat recommended); 2 ounces of cottage or ricotta cheese, cheese food/spread, or cheese substitute (low-fat recommended); ¼ cup of cooked beans and peas (legumes); ½ large egg; 2 tablespoons of nut or seed butters; 1 ounce of nuts or seeds; 1 ounce of commercial tofu (containing at least 5 grams of protein in 2.2 ounces); 1 ounce of tempeh; 3 ounces of surimi; ½ cup of yogurt or soy yogurt (containing no more than 3.83 grams of sugar per ounce); and 1 ounce of alternate protein products (APPs).

The minimum creditable amount is ¼ ounce. If a food item provides less than the full-required meal pattern serving, the CACFP menu must include the additional amount from other meat/meat alternates The daily meat/meat alternates component at lunch and supper must be served in a main dish, or in a main dish and only one other food item. 

Vegetables Component for CACFP Adult Day Care Centers

The vegetables component includes fresh, frozen, and canned vegetables; and pasteurized full-strength vegetable juice. Legumes (cooked dry beans and peas) credit as either vegetables or meat/meat alternates, but not both in the same meal. Vegetables may substitute for the fruits components at any lunch or supper, but the two servings must be different vegetables.

All vegetables credit based on volume except raw leafy greens, which credit as half the volume served, e.g., 1 cup of leafy greens credits as ½ cup of the vegetables component. A serving of cooked vegetables must be drained.

The minimum creditable amount is ⅛ cup. If a food item provides less than the full-required meal pattern serving, the CACFP menu must include the additional amount from other vegetables.

Juice credits as the vegetables or fruits component at only one meal or snack per day. The juice limit includes all fruit and vegetable juice, frozen pops made from 100 percent juice, pureed fruits and vegetables in smoothies, and juice from canned fruit in 100 percent juice. The USDA recommends serving whole fruits (fresh, frozen, canned, and dried) more often than juice.

The USDA’s CACFP Best Practices recommends making at least one of the two required snack components a vegetable or fruit; and providing at least one serving per week of dark green vegetables, red and orange vegetables, beans and peas (legumes), starchy vegetables, and other vegetables. For more information, see Vegetable Subgroups in the CACFP.

Fruits Component for CACFP Adult Day Care Centers

The fruits component includes fresh, frozen, dried, and canned fruit (packed in water, full-strength juice, or light syrup); and pasteurized full-strength fruit juice). A serving of canned fruit may include the juice in which it is packed. Fruits credit based on volume except dried fruit credits as twice the volume served, e.g., ¼ cup of dried fruit counts as ½ cup of the fruits component. Vegetables may substitute for the fruits components at any lunch or supper, but the two servings must be different vegetables.

The minimum creditable amount is ⅛ cup. If a food item provides less than the full-required meal pattern serving, the CACFP menu must include the additional amount from other vegetables/fruits.

Juice credits as the vegetables or fruits component at only one meal or snack per day. The juice limit includes all fruit and vegetable juice, frozen pops made from 100 percent juice, pureed fruits and vegetables in smoothies, and juice from canned fruit in 100 percent juice. The USDA’s CACFP Best Practices recommends serving whole fruits (fresh, canned, dried, and frozen) more often than juice; and making at least one of the two required snack components a vegetable or fruit.

Grains Component for CACFP Adult Day Care Centers

Grains must be whole grain, enriched, or contain a blend of whole and enriched grains. Bran and germ credit the same as enriched and whole grains in the CACFP adult meal patterns. Cooked and ready-to-eat (RTE) breakfast cereals must be whole grain, enriched, or fortified; and cannot contain more than 6 grams of sugar per dry ounce.

The minimum creditable amount is ¼ serving through September 30, 2021. Effective October 1, 2021, the required amounts change to ounce equivalents, and the minimum creditable amount is ¼ ounce equivalent. If a food item provides less than the full-required meal pattern serving, the CACFP menu must include the additional amount from other meat/meat alternates The daily meat/meat alternates component at lunch and supper must be served in a main dish, or in a main dish and only one other food item.

Except for sweet crackers such as graham crackers and animal crackers, grain-based desserts cannot credit in CACFP meals and snacks. Examples include cookies, sweet pie crusts, doughnuts, cereal bars, granola bars, sweet rolls, pastries, toaster pastries, cake, and brownies.

CACFP menus must include at least one WGR serving per day, between all meals and snacks served to participants. WGR foods contain at least 50 percent whole grains and the remaining grain ingredients are creditable (whole grains, enriched grains, bran, or germ). A grain food meets the WGR criteria if a whole grain is the first ingredient (or second after water), and the next two grain ingredients (if any) are creditable grains. A combination food meets the WGR criteria if the first grain ingredient (or second after water) is a whole grain, and the next two grain ingredients (if any) are creditable grains.

CSDE Crediting Worksheets for CACFP Adult Day Care Centers

Worksheets 1-5 and 9 evaluate foods for compliance with the CACFP adult meal patterns. Worksheets 6-8 evaluate foods for compliance with the CSDE’s recommended nutrition standards for adult day care centers, but not for compliance with the CACFP adult meal patterns.

The CSDE recommends that CACFP sponsors maintain completed crediting worksheets as electronic files in a folder on the computer, instead of printing copies. The CSDE’s CACFP staff will accept electronic copies as appropriate crediting documentation during the Administrative Review of the CACFP.