Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child
WSCC model provides the infrastructure schools can use to engage students, families, staff, and the community-at-large to improve the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development of every child.
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Apply to a School Choice Program
The Connecticut State Department of Education’s (CSDE) commitment to public school choice is evident in the different types of public school choice programming available statewide.
School Choice programs and interdistrict magnet schools are designed to attract students from different school districts to learn together in settings that offer unique, high-quality, themed educational opportunities.
Charter schools are publicly funded schools that are run independently of the school district and may also have a specialized focus. Charters are granted by the State Board of Education and schools may enroll students in Grades PK-12 as established in their charters.
The Connecticut State Department of Education’s (CSDE) commitment to public school choice is evident in the five different types of public school choice programming available statewide.
Connecticut public school choice programs are an opportunity to raise student achievement and reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation. Explore your choices by finding a school or district program.
Public School Choice In Connecticut
Information on the five different types of public school choices available statewide.
The term “school choice” means parents have an additional opportunity to choose the schools their child will attend for an elementary and secondary education. Based on both state and federal laws, Connecticut public school choice programs are an opportunity to raise student achievement and to “reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation” as described in the 1997 Enhancing Education Choices and Opportunities Act (Public Act 97-290).