What are the fees for teacher certificates and coaching permits?

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Fees for educator, administrator, and coaching certificates and permits
Certificate/Permit Fee
Initial Certificates*
Nonrenewable Interim Initial Educator Certificate (assessment deferral)** $200
Interim Initial Educator Certificate (coursework deficiency)** $200
Initial Educator Certificate $200
Renewal of Initial Educator Certificate $200
Temporary 90-Day $200
Resident Educator $200
Provisional Certificates*
Nonrenewable Interim Provisional Educator Certificate(assessment deferral)** $250
Interim Provisional Educator Certificate (coursework deficiency)** $250
Provisional Educator Certificate 250
Professional Educator Certificates* 375
Renewal of Professional Educator Certificate No Cost
Coaching Permits
Temporary Emergency Coaching Permit (TECP) No Cost
5-Year Renewable Coaching Permit No Cost
Adult Education Certificate $100
Nonrenewable Charter School Interim Educator Certificate No Cost
Request for Duplicate Certificate $50
Cross Endorsement $100 each
  • * We charge a nonrefundable application review fee of $50 for each application. If a certificate is granted, this fee is applied toward the cost of the certificate.
  • ** Interim Initial Educator and Interim Provisional Educator certificates are granted with certain coursework and/or assessment deficiencies specified on the certificate. Interim certificates issued with assessment deferrals are nonrenewable, and are valid for only three years.

General Information