What teaching certificates are available in Connecticut?

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Educator certificates

Connecticut offers different levels of teacher certification based on education and experience. Educators with valid certificates from enhanced reciprocity states typically receive one of these as well. 

Initial Educator Certificate

This 3-year certificate is for people who:

  • Completed a state-approved preparation program at a regionally accredited college or university in the field and at the grade level for which the certification endorsement is requested


  • Have at least 20 school months of successful appropriate teaching experience in one public school/district under a valid certificate or in one approved nonpublic school
Interim Educator Certificate

This 3-year certification is issued at the Initial or Provisional level as either a:

  • Nonrenewable Interim Educator Certificate, which is issued with Connecticut test deferrals and/or specific course deficiencies according to current certification regulations.
  • Interim Educator Certificate, which is issued with specific course deficiencies according to current certification regulations.
Provisional Educator Certificate

This 8-year certification is for people who have:

  • At least 10 school months of appropriate experience under the Initial Educator Certificate, Interim Initial Educator Certificate, or Durational Shortage Area Permit in a Connecticut public school, and the Teacher Education And Mentoring (TEAM) program, as made available by the Board


  • At least 30 school months of appropriate experience in an approved nonpublic school, or in a non-Connecticut public school under a valid certificate, within the last 10 years prior to application.
Professional Educator Certificate

This 10-year certification is for people who complete the following:

  • At least 30 school months of successful appropriate experience in a public or approved nonpublic school under the Provisional Educator Certificate


  • Any additional course requirements for the requested endorsement that are prescribed by Connecticut certification regulations


Educators from Enhanced Reciprocity States General Information CT Certified Educators Private or Non-Public School Educators