What are Connecticut's certification requirements for school psychologists?

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Certification Requirements for School Psychologists (#070)

Thank you for your interest in becoming a school counselor in Connecticut. Here are the requirements for certification:

  • Completion of a state-approved planned program of preparation at a regionally accredited college or university with a formal institutional recommendation for certification. The college must determine the specific courses required for program completion.
  • Master's degree
  • Institutional recommendation based on completion of a state-approved certification program specific to school counseling at a regionally accredited college or university which includes 45 semester hours of graduate credit in a planned program for school psychologists, including coursework in the following areas:
    • Evaluation techniques
    • Supervised practicum or fieldwork experience with school-age children
    • Characteristics of and programs for exceptional children
    • Human growth and personality development
    • Individual and group counseling skills
    • Learning theories
  • In addition to the supervised practicum, completed a 10-school month school psychology internship under the supervision of a certified school psychologist, the local school system, and the preparing institutio
  • A course of study in special education comprising at least 36 clock hours that includes study in:
    • Understanding the growth and development of exceptional children, including handicapped and gifted and talented children and children who may require special education
    • Methods for identifying, planning for, and working effectively with special-needs children in the regular classroom

IMPORTANT: To eventually advance a certificate endorsed for school psychology to the professional level, candidates must complete at least 60 semester hours of graduate credit in psychology and related areas. This may include coursework required for the initial educator certificate.


Please note that requirements may change without notice.


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