CTDOT Traffic Cameras
Connecticut Interstate 95, 91, and 84 as well as some State highways (Routes 2, 8, 9, and 72) are equipped with traffic cameras. Locate and view live images from these cameras.
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Bicycle and Pedestrian Dashboard
Connecticut cyclists can learn about commuting to work, the trails located throughout the state and general bike safety.
Agency: Department of TransportationThe latest information on the efforts of the State to create a complete system of safe, comfortable and convenient transportation connections for all users. Periodic webletters provide updates on related projects, policies, and design standards.
Agency: Department of TransportationThe 198-mile Connecticut East Coast Greenway (ECG) route shows off the diversity of Connecticut from coast to inland, city to country. The ECG is a combination of off-road multi-use trail systems and interim on-road routes. Find trail status and plan information.
Agency: Department of TransportationThe Connecticut Safe Routes to School Program, through technical assistance and safety education, helps communities educate, encourage and improve options for K-8 graders to walk and bicycle to school. Find events, opportunities and resources to encourage and educate our younger population.
Agency: Department of TransportationSafety tips for motorists, motorcyclists, bicyclists, equestrians and pedestrians. Links to bicycle training and cycling club websites as well as other cycling related organizations.
Agency: Department of TransportationTrail Maps (State Parks and Forests)
Download maps for our State's multi-use trails as well as several Blue Blazed Hiking Trails.
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental Protection