How to Apply for Social Services
Find information on how to apply for services offered by the Department of Social Services.
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2-1-1 Child Care Search Engine
Connecticut's largest on-line listing of child care centers, child care providers and youth camps with the ability to search by location, hours of operation and accreditation.
Agency: Connecticut Office of Early ChildhoodCare 4 Kids helps low-to-moderate-income families in Connecticut pay for child care costs.
Agency: Connecticut Office of Early ChildhoodChild Abuse and Neglect Definitions
Official definitions are called for in the case of childhood neglect and abuse. A list of operational definitions of parties involved whether caretaker or child can be found here as can definition of what constitutes official emotional, sexual, physical abuse and examples of neglect.
Agency: Department of Children and FamiliesThe Office of the Child Advocate assigns a Child Advocate to a child. The Child Advocate has the following rights and powers to: initiate or intervene in court cases on behalf of children, obtain access to any records necessary, subpoena witnesses, records and documents needed to carry out an investigation or review and communicate privately with a child in need of services of the Child Advocate.
Agency: Office of the Child AdvocateChild Care and Youth Camp Licensing
The Division of Licensing is responsible for the administration of child day care and youth camp licensing programs at the Office of Early Childhood. Family day care homes, group day care homes, child day care centers and youth camps are required to be licensed.
Agency: Connecticut Office of Early ChildhoodChild Development Infoline (CDI) is a specialized unit of the United Way of Connecticut. Ambassadors are there to assist parents and caregivers with questions or concerns about general childhood, challenging behaviors, disability and health related issues.
Agency: Department of Children and FamiliesA listing of educational and informative activities held across the state. Access Rocket 21, an app and social network where kids and teens connect with professionals to explore their interests, passions and dreams.
Agency: Department of Children and FamiliesConnecticut Birth-to-Three System
The Birth to Three System strengthens the capacity of families to meet the developmental and health-related needs of their infants and toddlers who have delays or disabilities. Citizens can find information on the various services the Birth to Three System offers.
Agency: Department of Developmental ServicesConnecticut Office of Early Childhood
Visit the homepage of the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood for information on childhood development, childcare programs and youth camps, as well as early learning and development standards. Resources for parents about educational programs and other services are easily accessible.
Agency: Connecticut Office of Early ChildhoodEmergency Mobile Psychiatric Services (EMPS)
A mobile intervention service for children and adolescents experiencing a behavioral or mental health crisis. The program comprises a team of trained mental health professionals that can respond immediately by phone or face to face when a child is experiencing an emotional or behavioral crisis.
Agency: Department of Children and FamiliesA complete A-Z listing of services geared towards children offered by the state. Information on mentoring, bullying, child welfare and more.
Agency: Department of Children and FamiliesThe Division of Family Support Services provides a comprehensive approach to preventing child abuse and neglect to ensure the health, well-being and positive growth and development of all young children in Connecticut.
Agency: Connecticut Office of Early ChildhoodMandated reporters are required to report when they have reasonable cause to believe that a child under the age of 18 has been abused, neglected, or is placed in imminent risk or serious harm. Learn about mandated report training, frequently asked questions, and more.
Agency: Department of Children and FamiliesThe Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (better known as the WIC Program) provides free nutrition and breastfeeding information and support for expecting and breastfeeding mothers, and resources for toddlers and infants.
Agency: Department of Public HealthA policy index organized alphabetically by first letter dependent by topic.
Agency: Department of Children and Families