Most Popular List

The Most Popular Services List displays five of the Agency's most popular services. These services can be links to topics or pages within your website, a document file (such as a pdf), or an external website.


Adding a New Link
  1. Select the Most Popular Services section of the page to activate the utility box with a menu of options.
    Adding a Most Popular link
  2. Select the Insert New Item add item icon icon to add a link.
  3. Select the LinkItem image. A blue background will appear around it when selected.
  4. Highlight the LinkItem title in the Name field and delete it.
  5. Enter a new title in the Name field.
    Most Popular insert link dialog box
  6. To change the hyperlink, select the Clear link first, then the Change Link icon.
    • If linking to an internal page, browse to the file.
    • If linking to an external site, enter in the new URL.
  7. Select the Save Save icon icon located at the top left of the screen.
Editing an Existing Link
  1. Select the Most Popular link you wish to edit.

    image of most popular link change
  2. To change the title, highlight the text you want to edit and change the text.
  3. To change the hyperlink, select the Change Link icon.
    • If linking to an internal page, browse to the file.
    • If linking to an external site, enter the new URL.
  4. Select the Save Save icon icon located at the top left of the screen.