Secondary Page Template
The Agency Secondary Page Template acts as a landing page for a navigation topic. It displays a listing of items that have been tagged to that specific topic/sub-topic.
The template is broken down into the following areas:
Agency Navigation
The Agency Navigation area contains the top-level topics of your website and is the main method of navigating the site. There is also an Agency-site wide search box that searches all web pages, sections, and document files within your site.
Most Popular Services
The Most Popular Services is a list of links to common tasks, pages, documents, or sections of your website. It is where most of your visitor traffic will focus to accomplish a common task.
- List View - Items displayed include a title and description (default view)
- Simple View - Items displayed include title only
Feature Boxes
There are three Feature Boxes that display featured content related to that topic with an image that directs the visitor to that feature.