
  • Building Codes
Department of Administrative Services
450 Columbus Blvd
Hartford, CT 06106
860-713-5900 phone
860-713-7410 fax
See also "Building Officials" in this Index.
Businesses that engage in demolition operations are required to obtain a certificate of registration pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Chapter 541 Sections 29-401 through 29-403.
For additional information contact:
450 Columbus Blvd
Hartford, CT 06106
(860)713-5750 Phone
(860)920-3088 Fax
  • Building Inspector
Check with your city or town hall for the appropriate contact person and information specific to your town of residence.
Department of Administrative Services
450 Columbus Blvd
Hartford, CT 06106
860-713-5900 phone

Department of Administrative Services
Office of State Fire Marshal
450 Columbus Blvd
Hartford, CT 06106
860-713-5750 phone
860-920-3088 fax

William Abbott
State Fire Marshal


  • Building Official
  • Building Permit
Many home improvement projects will require a building permit from the town in which the work is to be done. Either the homeowner or the contractor may apply for the necessary building permit. The permit must be in hand before the work begins. 
    • Having the correct building permit in place is ultimately the homeowner’s responsibility. Thus, homeowners who agree to have the contractor pull the permit should verify with the local building official that all required permits are in place.
    • Any person, including a licensed or registered contractor acting as agent of a property owner, may apply for a building permit -- whether or not the person or contractor is licensed to do any of the work that is the subject of the permit.
    • Any person or entity applying for a building permit on behalf of the property owner must meet the requirements of Section 29-263 of the Connecticut General Statutes and applicable administrative provisions of the State Building Code.(The State Building Code is a Connecticut state regulation adopted under authority of Section 29-252 of the Connecticut General Statutes.)
    • If a licensed contractor under Chapter 393 of the Connecticut General Statutes cannot personally apply for the permit on behalf of a homeowner, a contractor's delegate may apply -- but only for the specific portion of the work for which such contractor is licensed -- and provided that the delegate submits to the building official written authorization meeting the requirements of Section 20-338b of the Connecticut General Statutes.
    • A contractor that is not licensed to perform the work that is the subject of the permit need not obtain authorization from a contractor that is licensed to perform such work, as long as the contractor that is not licensed in that particular discipline is the agent of the property owner.
    • Some local building officials have interpreted Conn. Gen. Stat. § 20-338b as requiring that when a contractor applies for a building permit on behalf of the property owner, but the contractor is not licensed in the specific area required by the job, that the contractor seek written authorization from a contractor who is licensed in that area. That is not the case, as long as the contractor that is not licensed in that particular discipline is the agent of the property owner.

