
“Amusement” means any circus or carnival presented in the open, including a place where one or more rides or devices capable of accommodating one or more passengers and normally requiring the supervision or services of an operator are presented for amusement or entertainment purposes, and any circus, carnival or other portable show or exhibition presented under any single tent, air-supported plastic or fabric or other portable shelter, and involving the assembly of one hundred or more persons. “Amusement” does not include an inflatable device leased for private residential use.
Carnival/Circus Applications:

A $200.00 application fee is required for each event.

Beginning in 2024, all amusement rides in active use by a carnival must be listed with the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection for the purposes of inspection. All ride listing and engineering report submissions must be completed online each year and submitted prior to the first inspection of each ride.   Please refer to the ride listing webpage for information. Questions can be emailed to

A completed Proof of Financial Responsibility Form from the Department of Insurance must be included with this application or on file with the Department of Consumer Protection for the year. 

Applications must be submitted to the Department of Consumer Protection at least ten (10) days prior to the event. 

Amusement Park Application:

A $100.00 amusement park license fee and a $100.00 amusement ride inspection fee for each ride must accompany the application.

All rides must be listed with the Department of Consumer Protection for the purposes of inspection.  Please refer to the ride listing webpage for information.

A completed Proof of Financial Responsibility Form from the Department of Insurance must be included with this application. 

The application must be submitted to the Department of Consumer Protection at least ten (10) days prior to the opening of the amusement park.

Amusement Park Renewal:

To renew an amusement park license, please email the License Services Division at for information.  

Amusement Ride:

Each ride in active use must be listed for the purposes of inspection.  Please refer to the ride listing webpage for information and instructions.

Ride Inspections: 

All ride inspections will be scheduled and conducted by the Department of Emergency Services & Public Protection (DESPP).  Questions can be emailed to

Proof of Financial Responsibility:

A completed Proof of Financial Responsibility Form from the Department of Insurance must be included with applications or on file with the Department of Consumer Protection for the year.  Questions regarding financial responsibility can be emailed to

Amusement Ride Qualified Inspector or Engineer:
Other Information:

Email Address:

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