Brand Registration

According to Connecticut law, no manufacturer, wholesaler, or out-of-state shipper may ship, transport or deliver within Connecticut, or sell or offer for sale, any alcoholic liquor unless the following information is registered with, and approved by, the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection:
  1. The name of the brand, trade name or other distinctive characteristics by which the alcoholic liquors are bought and sold,
  2. the name and address of the manufacturer, and
  3. the name and address of each wholesaler permittee who is authorized by the manufacturer or his authorized representative to sell such alcoholic liquors.

Brand registration is valid for three (3) years. The registration and subsequent renewal fees are payable by the manufacturer or his authorized representative when such liquors are manufactured in the United States and by the importer or his authorized representative when such liquors are imported into the country.

No manufacturer, wholesaler, or out-of-state shipper may discriminate in price discounts between one permittee and another on sales or purchases of alcoholic liquors bearing the same brand or trade name and of like age, size and quality, nor shall he allow in any form any discount, rebate, free goods, allowance or other inducement for the purpose of making sales or purchases.

View Liquor laws and regulations   (Refer to Section 30-63 of the Connecticut General Statutes and Regulations Section 30-6-A35)

Application form and instructions

For more information:
