Liquor Permit Applications and Forms


Effective January 1, 2024:

All applications for new permits MUST be submitted online; no paper applications for new permits will be accepted 

Here are instructions for accessing the online application portal.  Here is a glossary of commonly used application terms. 


All online applications have detailed information at the beginning to describe what information you will need to complete it and what documentation you need ready to upload.  You can start an online application, save your work, and complete it later.  The forms you need for each online application are below. We will continue updating our website to reflect online applications and provide detailed information tailored to applicants applying on-line.  However, the application requirements are the same for paper applications and online applications. For now, it might be helpful to view a paper application and our paper application instructions (below) to understand what information you will need to complete an online application.


You must know what permit you'd like before you begin.  If you need help deciding between the right type of on-premise permit (restaurants, cafes, bars, etc.) or off-premise permit (package store, grocery store, etc.), please try our Permit Identifier Quiz to help guide you.  If you hold other liquor permits, you should also check our Exclusion Grid to determine what other permits you can have at the same time.  If you need help understanding the application, review our Glossary of Commonly Used Words.  Additionally, most permits have webpages that provide you with more information about each permit type:


PERMIT INFORMATION PAGES (learn more about our permits)

Most Popular Permits

Other Permits

HELPFUL APPLICATION LINKS (information to help you apply)

Exclusion Grid (Explains the different types of permits that one business can hold at same time)
Glossary of Commonly Used Application Words (Defines common words and forms used)
Instructions to Access Online Application (How to create an eLicense account and start an application)
List of All Permits (Lists every type of permit and what permit type can sell)
List of Permit Fees (Lists all fees)
Permit Identifier Quiz (Help decide between on-premise and off-premise permits) 


ONLINE APPLICATION FORMS FOR NEW APPLICATIONS (forms you need to submit an online application)
Local Signature Forms

Farmers' Market Location Form
Festival Local Signatures Form
Manufacturer Local Signatures Form
On-Premise Local Signatures Form
Off-Premise Local Signatures Form
Off-Site Winery Sales and Tasting Location Form

Public Health Certificate (For all on-premise permits)

Temporary Professional Auction Permit Local Signatures Form
Wholesaler and Warehouse Local Signatures Form

Other Online New Application Forms

 Authorization for Release of Financial Information and Statement of Personal History (Required with every application for all permittees and backer members)
 Backer Amendment (Use only if instructed by Liquor Control)
 Backer Financial Statement Form for Online App (Use only if instructed by Liquor Control)
 CHRO-Review of Criminal Conviction Worksheet (Required with application if permittee or any backer member has a felony)
 Consultant or Attorney Representation Authorization (Used if a lawyer or other third-party is helping with application)
 Permittee Amendment (Use only if instructed by Liquor Control)

OTHER USEFUL FORMS  (to make changes to your existing permit or update information)

Abandonment Affidavit 
Adding Live Entertainment Application
Affidavit of Sellers Unpaid Obligations 
Authorization for Release of Financial Information and Statement of Personal History
Authorization for Release of Backer Legal Entity
Backer's Financial Statement
Caterer Notifications
Complaint Form 
Consultant or Attorney Representation Authorization
Corporate Officer & Board Member Change Form
Corporate Structure Change Form
Disclaimer Statement
Farm Winery Crop Loss Report
Farm Winery Retail Location Form
Farmers' Market Additional Location Form
Fire Marshal Inspection Form
Guest Book Waiver Online Notification for LIC, LPC & LGC Club Permits 
Hotel Guest Bar(s)
Off-Site Winery Sale and Tasting Location Form
Patio/Extension of Use/Additional Consumer Bar
Provisional Permit Agreement
Public Health Certificate
Removal and Stipulated Agreement for Removal (Hardship)
Substitute Permittee
Transfer of Interest / Stock



Brand Label Registration
Caterer's Permit (Off-Premises)
Cafe - Tobacco Bar Permit
Connecticut Craft Café Permit   (for Manufacturer permits ONLY) 

-Instructions-       Permit Definition
Farmers’ Market Sales Permit

-Instructions-                         Permit Definition
Festival Liquor Permit  
Gift Basket Retailer Permit  -Instructions-   Permit Definition
Grocery Beer Permit  -Instructions-
In State Transporter & Boat & Livery Vehicle Permit    -Instructions-  Permit Definition
Manufacturer Permit -Instructions-  Permit Types and Fee Schedule
  1. Manufacturer of Spirits Definition
  2. Manufacturer of Beer Definition
  3. Manufacturer Farm Winery Definition
  4. Manufacturer Wine, Cider & Mead Definition
On-Premises Permits               -Instructions-    Permit Types and Fee Schedule

On Premise Permits: Detailed Application Information and Detailed Permit Explanations 
Outdoor Open Air Liquor Permit 
Off-Site Farm Winery Sales and Tasting Permit 
Out of State Retailer Shipper's Permit for Wine  
Out of State Shipper's Permit OR  Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window
Religious Retailer Liquor Permit -Instructions-  
Temporary Auction "Auctioneer" Permit (for professional auctioneers)
Temporary Liquor Permit 
Warehouse Bottling or Warehouse Storage Permit
Wholesaler Liquor/Beer Permit


QUICK REFERENCE GUIDES & AIDES - Available in English and Other Translated Versions

LCA - Cafe-Bar Liquor Permit
LGB - Grocery Beer Permit 
LIP - Package Store Permit
LIR/LRW - Restaurant Liquor Permit 

For information on liquor permits and forms other than those listed above, please contact:  

Department of Consumer Protection
Liquor Control Division
450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 901
Hartford, CT 06103-1840
Telephone: (860) 713-6210
LIVE CHAT with us during regular business hours
Fax: (860) 706-1208



