Liquor Brand Label Registration

No holder of any manufacturer, wholesaler or out-of-state shipper’s permit shall ship, transport or deliver within this state, or sell or offer for sale, any alcoholic liquors unless the name of the brand, trade name or other distinctive characteristic by which such alcoholic liquors are bought and sold, the name and address of the manufacturer thereof and the name and address of each wholesaler permittee who is authorized by the manufacturer or his authorized representative to sell such alcoholic liquors are registered and approved with the Department of Consumer Protection.

New Application:

  •     apply online

Illustrated step-by-step online brand application instructions are available by clicking on the link below:

Liquor Brand Label Registration Amendments:

An amendment form must be completed and submitted if there is a change in the contents of the container as originally approved or a change in the descriptive phraseology on the label.  

Please email the completed Brand Label Registration Amendment Form and required documents to:  After the documents are received and reviewed, an invoice with instructions on how to make the payment online will be emailed.  


Additional Information: 

Email Address:


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