Real Estate Complaints and Guaranty Fund

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Of the nearly 26,000 licensed real estate professionals in Connecticut, the vast majority have no complaints from their clients. However, occasionally problems do arise between a consumer and his or her agent during a transaction. If your concern or complaint is not addressed by your agent or the real estate agency, you may file a complaint with the Department of Consumer Protection. Your complaint must:
  • be in writing,
  • indicate the amount of the loss claimed, if any,
  • state the facts on which the claim is based and
  • include any documentation or evidence that supports the claim against a licensee for his or her actions.

Complaints that seek restitution from the Real Estate Guaranty Fund must be based on an act or omission that occurs in the provision of real estate brokerage services by the broker, associate broker or salesperson, or an unlicensed employee of a licensed real estate broker.

It must involve a transaction related to real estate located in Connecticut and be based on an act or omission in which money or property is obtained from a person by theft, embezzlement, false pretenses, forgery or constitutes fraud or misrepresentation. The maximum amount of a claim is $25,000. See above link for the application form.

You may also wish to check our License Verification page to see if there is a record of disciplinary actions against the licensee from previous business dealings.
