State Of Connecticut
Council On Developmental Services Bylaws
Council On Developmental Services Bylaws
The following are the bylaws of the Council on Developmental Services established in accordance with the General Statutes.
Article I - Duties of the Council
The duties of the council are those established under the provisions of sections 17a-270 and 17a-210 of the Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.), as amended, as follows:
1. The council shall consider and advise on such matters as its members, the board of trustees of the training school and the Commissioner of Developmental Services may request. The council shall consult with the Commissioner of Developmental Services on the administration of the state program for persons with intellectual disability. The council shall recommend to the Governor and to the General Assembly such legislation as will in its judgment improve the care and training of persons with intellectual disability. Section 17a-270 C.G.S.
2. The Council on Developmental Services may advise the Governor on the appointment (of the Commissioner of Developmental Services). Section 17a-210 C.G.S.
3. The commissioner shall be responsible, with the advice of the council, for: (1) Planning and developing complete, comprehensive and integrated state-wide services for persons with intellectual disability; (2) the implementation and where appropriate the funding of such services; and (3) the coordination of the efforts of the Department of Developmental Services with those of other state departments and agencies, municipal governments and private agencies concerned with and providing services for persons with intellectual disability. Section 17a-210 C.G.S.
Article II – Membership of the Council
1. The council shall consist of fifteen members appointed as follows:
a. Eight shall be appointed by the Governor, for two-year terms, one of whom shall be a doctor of medicine, one of whom shall be a person with intellectual disability who is receiving services from the Department of Developmental Services and at least two of whom shall be a relative or a guardian of a person with intellectual disability;
b. Six shall be appointed by members of the General Assembly for two-year terms, one of whom shall be a relative or guardian of a person with intellectual disability appointed by the speaker of the House, one of whom shall be appointed by the minority leader of the House, one of whom shall be appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate, one of whom shall be a relative or guardian of a person with intellectual disability appointed by the majority leader of the House, one of whom shall be appointed by the majority leader of the Senate, and one of whom shall be a relative or guardian of a person with intellectual disability appointed by the minority leader of the Senate; and
b. Six shall be appointed by members of the General Assembly for two-year terms, one of whom shall be a relative or guardian of a person with intellectual disability appointed by the speaker of the House, one of whom shall be appointed by the minority leader of the House, one of whom shall be appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate, one of whom shall be a relative or guardian of a person with intellectual disability appointed by the majority leader of the House, one of whom shall be appointed by the majority leader of the Senate, and one of whom shall be a relative or guardian of a person with intellectual disability appointed by the minority leader of the Senate; and
c. One of whom shall be a member of the board of trustees of the Southbury Training School, appointed by said board for a term of one year.
d. No member of the council may serve more than three consecutive terms, except that a member may continue to serve until a successor is appointed. Section 17a-270 C.G.S.
2. The Commissioner of Developmental Services or the commissioner’s designee shall be an ex-officio member of the Council on Developmental Services without vote and shall attend its meetings. Section 17a-27 0 C.G.S.
3. The members of the council shall serve without compensation except for necessary expenses incurred in performing their duties. Section 17a-270 C.G.S
4. In the event any member fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the council, the chairperson of the council shall contact the member and determine whether good cause exists for any such absences. If the chairperson concludes that good cause does not exist for any such absences, the chairperson shall notify the council at its next meeting. With the approval of the council that none of the member's absences is attributable to good cause, the chairperson shall request the appointing authority to review the appointment and consider such member's removal and replacement.
Article III – Officers of the Council
1. The council shall appoint annually, from among its members, a chairperson, vice chairperson and secretary. Section 17a-270 C.G.S.
2. The chairperson of the council shall preside at all meetings of the council. The chairperson, with the input of the Executive Committee (defined in Article VI, Section 1. a. of the bylaws), shall prepare agendas for all meetings of the council and shall, unless otherwise determined by the council, act as its representative. The chairperson of the council shall appoint chairpersons of any standing or ad hoc committees and shall serve as an ex-officio member of any such committees. The chairperson shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the members of the council.
3. The vice chairperson of the council shall preside at meetings in the absence of the chairperson and shall generally assist the chairperson in the performance of their duties. In the absence or incapacity of the chairperson, the vice chairperson shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the chairperson. The vice chairperson shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the members of the council.
4. The secretary of the council shall be responsible for the content of the minutes of meetings and their distribution to council members. The secretary shall see that notices of meetings and agendas, along with minutes of the previous meeting are distributed to members at least seven days prior to council meetings. The secretary shall preside at meetings in the absence of both the chairperson and vice chairperson.
Article IV – Election of the Officers
1. Officers of the council shall be elected at the annual meeting of the council and shall serve for a term of one year.
2. The chairperson shall, with the approval of the council, appoint a nominating committee, consisting of three council members, at a meeting preceding the annual meeting. The nominating committee, based on its canvassing of the council membership, shall nominate a slate of proposed officers that shall be circulated to the members with the notice of the annual meeting. Any council member shall have the right to make nominations for any office from the floor at the annual meeting.
3. Any vacancy in the office of chairperson, vice chairperson or secretary may be filled for the remainder of the original term of office, by a council member, upon a majority vote of the council members currently serving, at a council meeting where a quorum has been constituted.
Article V – Meetings of the Council
1. The council may make rules for the conduct of its affairs. Section 17a-270 C.G.S.
2. The council shall meet at least six times a year and at other times upon the call of the chair or the written request of any two members. Section 17a-270 C.G.S.
3. The first meeting held after the first day of December in each year shall be designated as the annual meeting.
4. Additional meetings may be called by the chairperson for consideration of emergency matters to be noted in the call of the meeting.
5. The chairperson shall call a meeting, at the written request of two or more members, within ten days after such request has been made.
6. A simple majority of the appointed members of the council shall constitute a quorum.
7. Council action shall be taken by a majority vote of those members present at a meeting at which a quorum has been constituted.
8. Conduct of meetings shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, 11th Edition; Copyright 2011.
9. At the discretion of the chairperson, or the vice chairperson if the chairperson is unavailable, a member of the Council may be allowed to attend a meeting through teleconference or videoconference. A member of the Council who has the permission of the chairperson to teleconference or videoconference shall be counted present for purposes of a quorum and for purposes of voting on motions before the Council. Council meetings, where a member of the Council is in attendance by teleconference or videoconference, shall “be conducted by a technology that allows all persons participating to hear each other at the same time (and, if videoconference, to see each other as well)” so as to promote simultaneous communication central to the deliberative character of the meeting. The Council shall adopt rules on how recognition by the chairperson is sought and the floor obtained when a Council member is present by teleconference or videoconference. (See section 50 “Committees”, subsection “Conduct of Business in Committees” in Robert’s Rules of Order.)
Article VI – Standing and Ad Hoc Committees
1. There shall be the following standing committee of the Council on Developmental Services:
a. The Executive Committee of the council shall consist of the chairperson, the vice chairperson and the secretary.
b. The Executive Committee shall act on behalf of the council between meeting dates when the situation requires. Any such action shall be reported to the council at its next scheduled meeting.
2. The council may create ad hoc committees:
a. Appointments to ad hoc committees shall be made by the chairperson of the council with the approval of the council members.
b. The powers of ad hoc committees shall be advisory and limited to making recommendations to the full council, unless specifically authorized.
Article VII – Amendments to the Bylaws
The bylaws of the Council on Developmental Services may be amended, or repealed, by a majority vote of the appointed members of the council at any meeting of the council; provided written notice of any proposed amendment shall have been given to each member at least thirty days prior to such meeting.
Council On Developmental Services
Meeting Policies
The following policies shall govern the meetings of the Council on Developmental Services.
1. Length of Meetings:
The maximum length of time of a meeting shall be three hours, with a target of two and one half hours.
2. Number of Meetings:
The council's bylaws require not fewer than six meetings per year.
3. Public Participation:
The council recognizes the importance of the public’s input in its role as an advisory council for the Department of Developmental Services, and in its role in providing recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly on legislative issues pertaining to the Department.
In order to complete the council’s meeting agenda in a timely fashion, the council reserves the right to limit the length of public comment during a meeting.
a. Each individual wishing to speak before the council, during the public comment portion of the meeting, shall be allowed three minutes in which to comment and, at the discretion of the chairperson, may be allowed additional time to complete said comments.
b. The chairperson shall ask each person speaking before the council to give their name and address for the record.
c. The chairperson may limit public comments to the first thirty minutes of a council meeting.
d. The chairperson may request that a spokesperson be delegated from among persons wishing to speak on similar subject matter.
e. The council may request individuals to provide further written information on subject matter brought before the council during the public comment period.
f. The chairperson may recognize council members during the public comment period for purposes of asking questions to clarify a speaker’s comments.
g. The council shall place all issues brought forward during the public comment period on the following meeting’s agenda to be discussed as part of the council’s ongoing review of public concerns.
4. Interaction with Regional Advisory and Planning Councils:
It is important that the DDS Regional Advisory and Planning Councils (Section 17a-273 C.G.S.) and the Council on Developmental Services be aware of one another's roles and functions and work cooperatively on common issues. In furtherance of these goals:
a. The minutes of the Council on Developmental Services meetings and the Regional Advisory and Planning Councils meetings shall be available on the DDS website.
b. The chairpersons of the Regional Advisory and Planning Councils shall be invited to participate in one meeting of the Council on Developmental Services per year.
5. Interaction with Other State Agencies:
Representatives of state agencies, other than DDS, will be invited to attend or to present at meetings of the Council on Developmental Services when the council members feel that information provided by a state agency or to a state agency may prove beneficial in achieving the goals and objectives of the council.
6. Location of Meetings:
Most meetings of the council will be held at the Central Office of the Department of Developmental Services. Occasional meetings may be held elsewhere in the state. Such meetings may focus on areas of particular interest to a region, regional public participation, or familiarizing members of the council with regional programs or services.
Article IV, amended: December 1, 1988
Article V, Sec. 3, amended: December 1, 1988
Revised and Rewritten in its entirety: April 9, 1992
Approved: June 11, 1992
Revised and Rewritten in its entirety: January 29, 2008
Approved: April 10, 2008
Revised to conform with Public Act No. 08-7: May 5, 2008
Approved: June 12, 2008
Article V. amended to add Section 9. May 12, 2011
Revised to conform with Public Act Nos.10-93 and 11-16. July 14, 2011
Approved: July 14, 2011
Revised to conform with Public Act No.14-143. November 7, 2014
Approved: December 11, 2014
Revised to conform with Public Act No. 17-9. June 15, 2017
Approved: June 21, 2018
Article V, Sec. 3, amended: December 1, 1988
Revised and Rewritten in its entirety: April 9, 1992
Approved: June 11, 1992
Revised and Rewritten in its entirety: January 29, 2008
Approved: April 10, 2008
Revised to conform with Public Act No. 08-7: May 5, 2008
Approved: June 12, 2008
Article V. amended to add Section 9. May 12, 2011
Revised to conform with Public Act Nos.10-93 and 11-16. July 14, 2011
Approved: July 14, 2011
Revised to conform with Public Act No.14-143. November 7, 2014
Approved: December 11, 2014
Revised to conform with Public Act No. 17-9. June 15, 2017
Approved: June 21, 2018