Frequently Asked Questions
How do I request employment or other day services?
You or your family should work with your case manager to request employment or day services. Families of children who are in school should begin planning for employment or other day services at age 14 so a well-planned transition from school services to DDS can be implemented by the time of graduation (for more information on Secondary Transition Services, click here). Employment should be considered as the first support option for all individuals who are able or want to work.
If I am approved for employment or day service funding, how do I start receiving services?
Your case manager will notify you of your approved funding and will work with you to find a provider in your geographic area to provide the employment or other day service of your choice. As part of the process to receive supports and services through DDS, you will be asked to enroll in a DDS HCBS Waiver. State statute requires applying for certain benefits as a DDS recipient, if eligible. Your enrollment in the waiver ensures that Connecticut receives federal reimbursement for the cost of DDS supports, which helps the department serve more people. As a waiver participant, the state is required to meet your health and safety needs and you will not be billed for services. Using your Individual Plan (IP) and budget, your case manager will assist you to choose an approach to receive services either through a private provider or by hiring your own staff to provide supports. These staff will need to meet certain personal and training requirements of the department.
Is transportation provided to day programs?
Transportation is a separate service under the waiver. Individuals be allocated funding to pay for transportation to and from their employment site or day program. Please work with your case manager on next steps.