Regional Job Developers Leadership Networks
The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) continued its focus on the Employment First Initiative by hosting a statewide forum for job developers from a variety of community providers and service agencies in April, 2012. The half day event was funded by DDS and Connect-ability and facilitated by DDS and Institute for Community Inclusion staff. Over 50 people attended the event with representatives from the DDS community as well as BRS, BESB, Corrections, DMHAS and CTWorks.
The forum included regional breakout sessions where small groups developed plans and agendas for continued meetings to address local issues and needs. Some of the on-going topic areas will include networking across a diverse group of professionals, sharing best practices, training, looking at industry specific development and labor market trends, collaboration and joint problem solving.
Each of the three groups has plans to meet on a regular basis and these schedules along with contact information will be posted on the calendar section of the new DDS Employment Web Page. Any other job developers are welcome to join.