Connecting and Networking
Connections for Youth
African Caribbean American Parents of Children with Disabilities (AFCAMP) provides training to parents of children with disabilities from every school district in Hartford to become advocates within their schools and assists them with training other parents to become advocates. 860.548.9959.

Community Collaboratives are made up of caring and committed individuals, parents/caregivers, and professionals who work to assist children with behavioral,
social, anxiety, attention, communication or mental health challenges, and their families.  To locate a Collaborative in your area:


Connecticut Autism Spectrum Resource Center (ASRC):  serves a vital role in helping to educate and empower individuals and families affected by autism. As the state leader in advocacy, training and family support, ASRC is here to enhance the lives of those affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) as well as their families.

CT Family Support Council (CTFSC) is a partnership of parents, family advocates and state agencies with a focus on improving the lives of families supporting children with disabilities. Email:


CT Family Support Network (CTFSN) is a statewide network of families who have children with disabilities and special healthcare needs.   The Network assists families directly, offer parent-to-parent support, help with navigating CT's state service systems, and provide training and information.


Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center, Inc. (CPAC) is a statewide nonprofit organization that offers information and support to families of children with any disability or chronic illness, age birth to 26. Phone: (860)739-3089,
V/TDD-Toll Free 1-800-442722.


Family Advocacy Program (FAVOR) offers training, technical assistance and support to parents and caregivers.


Padres Abriendo Puertas-Parents Opening Doors (PAP) is an organization of Hispanic parents of children with disabilities.  Parents Opening Doors support group teaches Hispanic parents how to advocate for special education services for their school-aged children with disabilities.  860-297-4391.

Parent to Parent/Family Voices of CT (PATH) is a family network, for any age that offers parent and sibling support groups. They also connect parents with similar family challenges together as another support option.

SibShops provide young brothers and sister peer support and information in a lively, recreational setting. To locate a Sibshop group in Connecticut:
  • SibTeen is a Facebook group where teenage sibs of people with disabilities can connect with others who get it. It's a fun and thoughtful group where members share unique concerns, joys, frustrations, and information with others who truly understand! SibTeen is a “closed” Facebook group.  This means that others can see that you belong to SibTeen, but they can't see what you've posted.  Only other SibTeen members can see what you’ve posted to SibTeen. Facebook: Click here.  Once you’re there, click the button that says “Join Group.”

  • Sib20 is a Facebook group where twenty-something sibs of people with disabilities connect with others who “get it.” It’s sibling support from a young adult perspective.

  • SibNet has connected tens of thousands of sisters and brothers from around the globe with their peers, providing members with validation, information, and advice. SibNet is a “closed” group. Only adult siblings of people with special needs may be members.  The Facebook SibNet group is the most active version of SibNet, but SibNet continues to be offered as a Yahoogroup.  You are welcome to join either—or both! To join SibNet on Facebook, click here  (As a closed Facebook group, your Facebook friends can’t see what you’ve posted on SibNet unless they are also members of SibNet.)  To subscribe to the SibNet on Yahoogroups, click here
The United Way of Connecticut, 2-1-1 provides a wealth of information.  In Connecticut, dial 211 or visit . 2-1-1 Infoline is a great resource to locate local parent advocacy and family support groups and other resources for people with disabilities and their families. Information about these groups may also be available from your physician, school, or local provider agency.