Guide for Missing Eligibility Documents
If special education records have been destroyed, then submit
- High school transcript
- Social Security Disability records – Payee must request records
- Pharmacy, dental, and medical records
- Employment records
- Psychological or psychiatric records
If you have moved to Connecticut from another state, then submit
- A copy of your lease or deed
- For adults, a copy of CT driver’s license or non-driver ID
- For children, an IEP from a CT Board of Education
- DDS records from the state where the applicant previously lived
If you are non-English or bilingual, then
- IQ scores must be from a nonverbal test of intelligence/cognition or
- The individual is tested with the Spanish version of a test of intelligence/cognition if Spanish is their primary language
- If bilingual, proficiency has been determined by a formal evaluation comparing the first and second language
If you are hearing impaired, then submit
- IQ scores from a nonverbal intelligence/cognitive test or
- IQ scores from the performance section of an intelligence/cognitive test
- A language measure, which may be a test of Sign Language or reading, writing, and spelling achievement scores
If you are vision impaired, then submit
- Results from the Slosson Intelligence Test, which has tactile stimuli for the visually impaired, or other similar test
If school attendance has been limited or school was not attended, then submit
- Results from a nonverbal intelligence/cognitive test