Aging Dementia and Intellectual Developmental Disabilities

Title: Aging, Dementia, and Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
Duration: 00:26:44
Size: 216 MB
Date: 1/26/15
Please view on YouTube:
For Agencies that plan to use the attached video for their required Alzheimer and dementia training, they need to administer this competency quiz and they need to contact the DDS Training Department at DDS.Training@CT.GOV  for the “answer key” so their training can be considered adequate and compliant with the DDS requirements.
NOTE:  This video is the property of the Connecticut Department of Developmental Services including graphics, logos, icons, images, and audio and video files, and  is protected by applicable state and federal laws. Any material contributed by a third party is used with the author’s permission,  remains the property of the respective author and is also protected by applicable law. You may download, view, copy, reproduce, distribute and print the materials on this site for training purposes only, provided that you do not distribute this material for sale or profit.  You may download this training material provided that you do not remove or alter any of the materials, trademark, service mark or logo, or any copyright or proprietary notices. Except as provided above, you may not download, view, copy, print, reproduce, distribute, republish, display, post, transmit or modify any part of this video in any form or by any means without the prior consent of the Connecticut Department of Developmental Services or the third party author.