Cars on Highway

On the move

Learn about the CTDOT’s, department bureaus, and public meeting calendar. Find public offices for rail, bicycle trails, port authority, electric vehicles, and other useful information. The mission of the Connecticut Department of Transportation is to provide a safe and efficient intermodal transportation network that improves citizen's lives and promotes economic vitality for the state and the region.

Our bureaus

Bureau of Engineering and Construction 

We develop and implement the capital program for Connecticut's transportation network.

Bureau of Finance and Administration 

We initiate, develop, communicate, and support continuous improvement of the DOT mission.

Bureau of Highway Operations and Maintenance 

We maintain state highways and bridges to ensure safety and efficiency for travelers.

Bureau of Policy and Planning 

We carry out a continued, cooperative, and comprehensive statewide transportation planning process.

Bureau of Public Transportation 

We foster development, maintenance, and operation of motor carrier, rail facilities, and maritime assets.

Safer walking and biking

People with bicycle crossing roads

Connecticut Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Board

The CT Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board aims to make walking, biking, and taking public transportation safer, healthier, and more enjoyable for our communities.

Charging forward

Plugged in electric car in at a EV charging station using a rapid-charger

Electric vehicle EV charging

We're committed to making our state friendly for Electric Vehicle owners. We provide many EV charging stations to help promote the adoption of electric automobiles throughout the state.
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