Design-Build Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will CTDOT evaluate the roles of the Key Personnel for Design-Build procurements of restricting the requirement of having no other roles on Design-Build procurements?

A: The Key Personnel are evaluated on a project-by-project basis. At this time, the roles, duties, and responsibilities of the Project Manager, Design Manager and Construction Manager, if those Key Personnel are identified in the RFQ, have been modified removing the requirement of no other roles on concurrent Design-Build procurements in the State of Connecticut.

Q. What is the status of the design build program?

A. The Department is just beginning the development of the program and it is ever evolving. DB will be considered for projects that offer several feasible construction options.

Q. How will RFQs and RFPs be advertised?

A. The Department will advertise the RFQs on the DAS web site that is utilized for bidding of contracts for State projects. For the  2-Step Design Build Best value Selection process, only the Short Listed teams will be invited to respond to the RFP.

Q. How many DB projects are planned?

A. Please see the Department’s Design-Build Program webpage for information concerning current and upcoming DB projects.


Q. Does a contractor have to be on the Department’s list of prequalified contractors to bid on a DB project?

A. Yes, a contractor must be prequalified in the category required for the project, by a certain point in the procurement process.


Q: How will the Design Build Team be Selected?

A: The Legislation allowing the use of Design-Build references a two phase selection process. The Department’s overall procedure will entail the advertisement of a project by issuing a Letter Of Interest (LOI) (for larger projects) to the engineering and construction community. Smaller projects may bypass this step. Teams that respond to the letter of interest will receive a “Request for Qualifications” (RFQ). The RFQ will require the interested teams to display their abilities in predetermined categories. The responsive teams will be evaluated by a selection panel and the top three to five firms will be short listed. These short listed firms will then receive the “Request For Proposals” (RFP). The RFP will detail the project requirements that the teams will submit a technical proposal based on. One on One interviews between the State and each short listed Design-build team may be held to discuss Alternative Technical Concepts (ATC) if permitted by the RFP. The selection of the winning design-build team may be based on strictly low bid or a combination of low bid and technical score known as “Best Value”. The cost proposals and technical proposals will be publicly opened to promote transparency.


Q: Will stipends be given?

A: Stipends may be offered to responsive short listed bidders on a project by project basis.


Q: Will Debriefing meetings be held?

A: Debriefing meetings between the State and the unsuccessful short listed firms may be held to review technical scores on a project by project basis.


Q: Will Alternative Technical Concepts be allowed?

A: Alternative Technical concepts will in most cases be permitted as dictated in the RFP documents. This will allow innovation and flexibility in the design. The ATCs will be kept confidential between the State and the proposer by means of a confidentiality agreement. If stipends are provided and accepted by the DB Team, the ATCs will become the property of the Department.


Q: What will be the percentage of plan completion for the RFP documents?

A: The plans will be completed to between 15 and 30 percent at release of the RFP. There may be individual items within the RFP that are designed completely by the Department to mitigate risk.


Q. What is the anticipated Procurement Schedule?

A. The schedule will vary for each project depending on the size and complexity of the design. Typical procurement schedules will be 6-9 months.


Q. What level of detail will be provided to the DB teams?

A. This will depend on the type and complexity of the project. In most cases, plans will be developed to the 30% design phase, so that the concept can be presented to the teams. This is also necessary to determine the extent of permits and right-of-way involvement.


Q. Will permits be obtained prior to procurement?

A. In most cases, permits will be obtained prior to issuance of the request for technical proposals. The permit will be based on the 30% plans. If the DB team changes the design significantly, they may need to obtain revisions to the permits.


Q. Will Right-of-way be obtained prior to procurement?

A. In most cases, ROW will be obtained prior to issuance of the request for technical proposals. The ROW will be based on the 30% plans. IN some cases, additional ROW may be obtained to open up more options for the final design and construction methods. If the DB team needs more right of way, they will be responsible for negotiating with adjacent property owners.


Q. Will utilities be moved prior to procurement?

A. In most cases, the DB team will be responsible for coordinating with the utility companies.


Q. Who is responsible for public involvement?

A. The Department will start the PI process during preliminary design. The DB Team may be required to hold additional public meetings during final design (especially if the design differs from the preliminary concept).


Q. Will teams be able to learn about and offer comments on the program?

A. The Department has held several workshops and forums with the Design and Construction Industry to provide education on the process developed to date and to solicit feedback. Additional comments may be submitted by e-mail to the Department using the contacts provided on this website.


Q. Will Joint Ventures (JV) be allowed?

A. The Department will consider JVs of Construction Contractors in a similar manner to current DBB projects.


Q. What Rules will apply to JVs?

A. The Bid and Award Manual describes the Department’s current practice for DBB projects, which will be used or modified on a project-by-project basis for DB projects.


Q. Are there different rules for ethics and conflict of interest with D-B projects?

A. There are additional considerations related to ethics and conflict of interest that must be addressed in order to maintain a fair and equitable environment for D-B contracts. In addition to the existing Department policies, designers/CE&I firms and Contractors should evaluate their relationships with the Department and contractors/designers/CE&I firms on other projects related to possible conflicts of interest when forming a team for D-B projects. Each entity having questions regarding this topic can review the Conflict of Interest and Unfair Competitive Advantage provisions and certification form.  If additional questions persist, send a question, indicating the project in question and specific information, to, attention of:

Manager of Contracts
Connecticut Department of Transportation
2800 Berlin Turnpike
Newington, CT  06111

Q. What will be the certification requirements for the Quality Control staff?

A. The Quality Control Administrator position will require advanced Quality Control training amongst other experience. The Quality Control Manager Design and The Quality Control Manager Construction positions will have a preferred N.E.T.T.C.P. QA Technologist Certification level or equivalent. Staff members performing sampling and testing will be required to be certified in the appropriate areas. These are the certification references related to the Quality Control Positions. There are other experience requirements as well. Laboratories will also have to be certified.



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