Governor M. Jodi Rell has announced the appointment of Mr.Charles Urso as the Governor's Highway Safety Representative.  As the Highway Safety Representative, Mr. Urso will coordinate the State's highway and transportation safety efforts with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and the Connecticut Departments of Public Safety, Motor Vehicles, and Public Health and Addiction Services.  Mr. Urso is the Deputy Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Transportation (Department) where he oversees the Bureau of Finance and Administration and the Bureau of Policy and Planning.  He will continue to perform his duties in that capacity, as well as take on the new responsibilities of the Governor's Highway Safety Representative.  Prior to working for the Department, Mr. Urso worked for the federal government in the law enforcement field.  Governor Rell stated that "the safety of the travelling public on our transportation systems continues to be of the highest priority.  Mr. Urso's background and experience will enhance his ability to perform the duties of the Highway Safety Representative."

Relative to the Governor's appointment, and in response to the newly enacted Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFTETEA-LU) legislation by Congress, Commissioner Stephen E. Korta, II has directed the reorganization of the Highway Safety Office at the Department.  The Office will be transferred to the Bureau of Policy and Planning and the duties will be expanded to include transportation safety programs for not only highways, but also for all other modes of transportation throughout the State.  According to Commissioner Korta, "the new federal transportation bill, SAFETEA-LU, provides new emphasis and designates funding for transportation safety and innovative programs designed to reduce highway and other transportation-related fatalities and serious injuries on our highways.  The legislation requires States to apply a more all-inclusive and comprehensive approach to transportation safety."