Air Meet or Other Activity Application


Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies
ec. 15-41-38. Traffic over games, races, etc.

There shall be no flying under an altitude of two thousand feet over or in the vicinity of any game, contest, celebration outdoor gathering unless a waiver has been granted by the department. All aerial traffic shall be counter-clockwise (all turns to the left).

Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies
Sec. 15-41-40. Air shows, air races or demonstrations

No person shall engage in or take part in any air show, air race or demonstration which may be in conflict with Connecticut or federal laws and regulations governing aeronautics unless a waiver has been obtained from the department. Application for such waivers shall be made at least seven days in advance of the proposed show, race or demonstration and shall be accompanied by written permission from the manager of the airport at which the show, race or demonstration is to be held.

Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies
Sec. 15-41-41. Photographic permit

For any photographic flight necessitating flying at an altitude less than that required by law or regulation, the pilot shall obtain a photographic permit from the department. A permit issued for this purpose does not waive any federal law or regulation.

Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies
Sec. 15-41-42b. Waiver

No person shall make an intentional parachute jump from an aircraft unless a waiver has been issued by the commissioner of transportation or the parachute jump is made onto a licensed parachute jump center except as follows:

Jumps made necessary because of an aircraft in-flight emergency.

Military jumps under the control and direction of the United States Department of Defense or the Connecticut Military Department.

Applications for a waiver shall be made on appropriate forms supplied by the Department of Transportation and shall include a signed letter of permission from the property owner upon whose property is located the drop zone area. Application for a waiver shall be made at least fourteen days in advance of the proposed event.

For further information, please contact:
Mr. Matthew Kelly
Bureau of Aviation & Ports
(860) 203-264-8010