State Project 0047-0120 Webpage

Welcome to the webpage for Project 0047-0120, Replacement of Bridge No. 06141 which carries Strawberry Road over Abbey Brook, in the Town of Ellington.

A virtual public informational meeting for the project will be held on Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. and aired live via the platforms listed below (see Information During the Live Virtual Meeting).  The Public Meeting Notice provides a description and additional information on the project.

The proposed project plans can be viewed at the following link:  Display Documents (click to view) 

The Virtual Public Info Meeting for the subject project has now been held. See the Report of Meeting (click to view) 


Participants can join the virtual public informational meeting for the project(s) at the scheduled time through the following links:

MS Teams Live Event (This link will be live on the evening of the event.)

YouTube project channel (This link will be live on the evening of the event.)

Users with limited internet access will be able to call to listen into the presentation toll free by calling (888) 469-3186 and entering Participant Code: 7090340.
However, it will not be possible to call in and watch the presentation simultaneously because the live feed is delayed. This is a listen-only line. No one can hear you if you talk. Questions can be submitted by email or phone, as noted below.

There will be a Live Question and Answer (Q&A) session following the formal presentation.  If you would like to leave a comment or ask a question during the Live Q&A, you may use the chat function of the MS Teams Live Event platform (not available through certain devices and browsers – see Additional Information below), or send us an email, or leave a voicemail at the following:

Project Email:

Phone: (860) 944-1111 (Please be sure to reference the project in your voicemail.)

Additional Information to note when accessing the live virtual meeting:

  • The live virtual meeting is being recorded.  The recording of the formal presentation will be posted (see Information After the Live Virtual Meeting).
  • While we expect to present you with a seamless presentation, disruption in the video or audio feed could occur due to many possible variables.  Please understand as we work to resolve any issues as quickly as possible.
  • The chat function of MS Teams Live Event or closed captioning may not be available on certain devices or browsers such as Apple devices (iPad, iPhone) or Safari.
  • If you have any issues with chat you can submit questions and comments at the email or phone number listed above. If you have any issues accessing the Teams Live Event, please view on YouTube Project Channel at link above and submit questions by email or phone. All questions received will be addressed in the Q&A portion of the meeting.
  • The MS Teams Live Event offers live multilanguage captioning. Captioning in English is displayed on the YouTube project channel during the live event.  When the recording of the live event is posted on YouTube, it will include closed captioning for multiple languages.
  • The meeting is formatted as follows:
    • Brief introductions
    • Instructions regarding participating in the meeting.
    • Formal presentation of the project by the lead design team
    • Following the formal presentation, there will be a live Question and Answer (Q&A) session during which time the public is invited to ask questions or provide comments.  
      A moderator will be collecting the email, chat, and voicemail and will relay questions or comments with the live audience and the project team.  The project team will answer those shared questions live during the Q&A.  Two-way chat/email/call-in during the live broadcast will not be available.  Responses to questions and/or comments that are unable to be answered during the live Q&A will be addressed in the Report of Meeting and posted to this webpage and Calendar of CTDOT Events within seven days of the event.
    • The meeting will conclude after the Q&A session.

Other Information Available to the Public:

Meeting Survey (optional)

After the meeting, we hope you'll take a few extra minutes to fill out the brief survey. Thank you!

Survey Link

DOT Office of Contract Compliance - TITLE VI Program

MS-4 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems

Information After the Live Virtual Meeting:

The project email and phone noted above will be open to receive comments or questions after the meeting until the end of the public comment period on October 8, 2020.

A recording of the live event will be posted within a few days after the virtual public information meeting at the following link: Formal Presentation of Virtual Public Information Meeting

The minutes of the meeting will be posted at the Department of Transportation’s website within a few days after the public information meeting at the following link: Calendar of CTDOT Events. Please choose the associated Project and Date of Meeting to view the meeting minutes.