highway design test

Town of Manchester

Project Number 76-205

Intersection Improvements

Routes 6 and 44 (Middle Turnpike and Center Street) at Middle Turnpike and New State Road

Project Location Project Scope Project Information Contact  More Information

Project Location

County: Hartford County

Town: Manchester

ConnDOT District: District 1

Planning Region: Capitol Region Council of Governments

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Project Scope

The project consists of improvements to two intersections on Middle Turnpike: at Center Street and Cheney Technical High School and at New State Road and East Catholic High School.

Project Information

Project Phase – Contract Award Process

Status Updates

February 2010

Project funding was made available from a combination of federal and state sources and the project was advertised for bids on December 16, 2009. Bids were opened on January 27, 2010.

At this time, the contract is tentatively scheduled to be awarded on March 12, 2010, and a notice to proceed with constructions activities could be issued as early as April 1, 2010.

November 2009

The State Bond Commission recently approved the use of State Bonds to fund the majority of this project. Therefore, the project is currently scheduled to be advertised for bids in December 2009, with construction again scheduled to begin in the spring of 2010.

August 2009

The design of the project has been completed. However, due to funding limitations, the advertising of the project for construction bids has been delayed. When funding becomes available, the project will be advertised and the construction schedule will be revised accordingly. Town officials will be kept informed of the schedule changes.

March 2008

The Department has been coordinating the design of this project with officials from the Town of Manchester, Cheney Technical High School, East Catholic High School, and the State Departments of Education, Public Works, Environmental Protection, and Health.

The preliminary design phase has been completed and the design was presented at a public informational meeting on February 13, 2008. The next phase of the design will include the acquisition of additional right of way as needed, obtaining environmental permits, design of construction “staging” plans, and coordination with utility companies.

Current Project Schedule:

Advertising – August, 2009

Start Construction – 2010

Project Completion – Fall 2011

These dates are dependent on several factors including timely acquisition of permits and right of way and availability of funding.

Project Cost

Estimated Construction Cost: $xx.x million

Funding Sources

Federal: xx%

State: xx%

Local: xx%

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William Britnell, P.E.

Principal Engineer

State Highway Design

Phone: 860-594-3283

Email: William.Britnell@ct.gov

Click here to submit comments using the online form.

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More Information


Simulation of Proposed Traffic Operations

Meeting Information

Public Information Meeting Handouts

Public Information Meeting Presentation

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