Chester-Hadlyme Ferry
Chester-Hadlyme Ferry

Ride the ferry across Connecticut River

Since 1769, the Chester-Hadlyme Ferry has served Connecticut travelers, providing a scenic mode of transportation. The ferry was originally named Warner’s Ferry and was often used to transport supplies across the river during the Revolutionary War.

The ferry serves local motorists, cyclists, and tourists and offers a relaxing trip between Chester and Hadlyme.

Ferry schedule

Weather conditions, water levels, or mechanical issues can sometimes impact the operation of the ferry. If the ferry is closed for any reason during the regular operating season, it will be listed on our real-time travel information website CTroads.*Closed Thanksgiving, 2023 Season: April 1 through November 30*.

Monday - Friday
7 a.m. to 6:45 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday
10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Ferry tickets and fees

Tickets may be purchased onboard ferries. Cash or check accepted, exact change preferred.

Vehicles rates
(Car, SUV, Truck, Motorcycle or Similar):

$5.00 per vehicle (Weekdays)
$6.00 per vehicle (Weekends)
Discounted commuter tickets:
$60.00 for a book of 20 crossings($3.00/crossing).
Available onboard.
Walk-on fees:
$2.00 for pedestrians and bicyclists
(all days)

Contact ferry operations

Directions to Chester-Hadlyme Ferry

Location and directions

Ferry road, Chester, CT 06412

From the west side of the Connecticut river

Route 9 South or North
to Exit 6, Route 148.

Follow signs to ferry landing.