Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD)

General Work Requirements

Most people who are age 16 – 59 and able to work may need to follow work rules to get SNAP. This is called the general work requirements.

To meet the general work requirements, you have to do at least one of the following:

  • Register for work (This is done automatically at application, renewal, and/or when someone gets added to your SNAP household)
  • Participate in a work program, such as SNAP Employment and Training (E&T)
  • Take a job if it’s offered to you unless it is unsuitable. Examples include:
    • your commute would be over 2 hours per day
    • you don’t have regular transportation to and from the job
    • the job pays less than state or federal minimum wage
  • Not voluntarily quit your job or reduce your work hours below 30 a week without a good reason
  • If you also receive Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) Cash assistance, you will need to comply with the TFA work requirements
  • If you receive unemployment compensation benefits (UCB), you will need to comply with the Department of Labor requirements
  • Provide job status or availability for work on Applications, Renewals, Periodic Report Forms (PRF), and upon request from DSS

People who do not have general work requirements for SNAP

There are some situations where people do not have general work requirements to get SNAP. This is called being exempt from the general work requirements.

You do not have to meet the general work requirements to get SNAP if you are any of the following:

  • Younger than 16, or age 60 or older
  • Responsible for the care of a child under 6, or a person who needs help caring for themselves
  • Working 30 hours or more per week at federal minimum wage
  • Have applied for or receiving unemployment compensation benefits (UCB)
  • Physically or mentally unfit for work as determined by DSS
  • Going to school, college, or a training program at least half time
  • Meeting the work rules for Temporary Family Assistance (TFA)
  • Participating in a drug addiction or alcohol treatment and rehabilitation program

What should I do to prove that I have an exemption?

In most cases, you will not need to give us any more information than what we would already get from you at application, renewal, PRF and some interim changes. If you feel you meet any of the above exemptions, please contact us at 1-855-626-6632.

Good cause for not meeting the General Work Requirements

If you have a good reason for not meeting the General Work Requirements, you may be able to be exempt. Good reasons include things out of your control like getting sick, no childcare for a child younger than age 12, or work conditions that are unreasonable.

If you have a good reason, there will be no change to your SNAP benefits. If you think you have a good reason, contact us at 1-855-626-6632.

