
Apply for SNAP now

There are 3 ways you can apply:

  1. Online
    We will get your application sooner
  2. By mail
    Mail your paper application to:
    DSS Scanning Center - PO Box 1320
    Manchester, CT 06045-1320
  3. In person
    Go to a local DSS Resource Center to fill out an application, or drop off a paper application

    Apply on paper in English

Aplicar en papel en español

You can get help to apply by contacting your local Community Action Agency

What happens after applying

We will review your application to see if you are eligible. We will ask you for any documents we need to understand your situation. If you are working, we often need the last 4 weeks of your pay-stubs and/or documents that show how much you’re making from working in the last 3 months.

Make sure to submit all required documents. Sending in optional documents could increase how much SNAP money you get. We may call you for an interview if we need to better understand your situation.

After we get all your documents, we will calculate how much SNAP money you will get on your EBT card every month.

If your situation is an emergency, we will approve your benefits within 7 days. Otherwise, you will get a letter from us within 30 days.

If you haven’t heard from us 2 weeks after submitting your application, you can call us for your interview at: 1-855-626-6632

Submit your documents now

Required documents for SNAP

After you turn in your SNAP application form you have 30 days to submit the following documents:

  • Identity and Social Security Number (SSN)
  • Connecticut residency:
    • Rent receipt, lease, or utility bill, or
    • Deed or mortgage statement
  • Earnings and number of hours worked (If you are working):
    • Pay stubs for the last 4 weeks, or
    • Letter from employer showing gross income and number of hours worked for the last 3 months
  • Other income (If you get workers’ compensation, Veterans’ benefits, pension, child support, alimony, etc.):
    • Benefit or award letter, or
    • Check or record of payment:
      If you receive income from Social Security Administration (SSA), unemployment income through the CT Department of Labor (DOL), or child support through the CT Child Support Enforcement System (CCSES)
  • Noncitizen status (If you are not a US Citizen):
    • Permanent Resident Card (“green card”), or
    • Employment Authorization Card, or
    • Other documents showing current or pending immigration status
  • Student status (if you are in college, university, or trade school):
    • Documents that show enrollment in an institution of higher education, such as: course schedule, enrollment letter, financial aid papers, and
    • If you are a full-time student or in school more than half-time, documents that show that you meet one of the reasons why you can still be considered for SNAP

Submit your documents now

How to submit your documents

There are 3 ways to submit your documents:

1.  Online

  • We will get your forms sooner if you submit them online.

2. Mail your documents to the DSS Scanning Center

  • Your documents will be more easily processed if you include a cover sheet.
  • If you cannot print a cover sheet, write your Client ID # and Case # on the top of every document you mail in.
  • DSS Scanning Center
    PO Box 1320, Manchester, CT 06045-1320

3. Drop off your documents at a DSS Resource Center

Get help to reset your online account password by calling: 1-877-874-1612 

Submit your documents now

Optional SNAP documents

If you submit these documents, it can make you eligible for more SNAP benefits:

  • Housing costs *
    • Rent receipt, lease, or letter from your landlord or roommate; or
    • Mortgage statement, property tax, condo fees, home insurance bill; or
    • Other document showing how much you need to pay
  • Utility costs *
    • Bill for heat, air conditioning, electricity, gas or phone; or
    • Lease showing you pay for utilities; or
    • Letter from your landlord or roommate
  • Dependent care costs (child or adult day care costs) *
    • Statement or letter from provider, and/or
    • Statement about car mileage or other transportation costs to and from the provider
  • Medical costs
    If you or anyone in your household is age 60 or older or has a certified disability:
    • Bills or receipts for medical costs not covered by insurance such as: co-payments, prescription medication, dental care, eyeglasses, over-the-counter medical items; and/or
    • Payments for homemakers, home health aides or other care you need; and/or
    • Statement about care mileage or transportation costs to and from health appointments or pharmacy *
  • Child support payments
    • Documents that show a legal obligation to pay child support, like a court order, to someone outside of your household; and
    • Documents that show verification of child support payment

* If you listed this cost on your application, we will not need more verification unless we have questions.

Submit your documents now
